Page 157 - Đặc san HNLTKG 2019
P. 157

Suy tư về Vai trò Phụ nữ, nhân ngày Kỷ niệm Hai Bà Trưng

                   focus  on  working,  loving,  salary,  paying      In  summary,  in  order  to  have  True
                   mortgage….  They  forget  the  important           Happiness,    Great    Love,    life-long
                   lesson: the lesson to be a human being, to         relationship,   one   needs    to   have
                   be a good human, a good citizen, to be a           immeasurable Love and Compassion.
                   good  child,  to  be  a  good  wife,  a  good
                   husband,  a  good  father,  a  good  mother        I would like to share the following story
                   who  fulfil  their  responsibility,  fulfil  the   which  I  am  very  much  impressed.  Once
                   tasks  that  are  assigned  by  God  and  the      there are many Buddhist monastics from
                   Universe.                                          different  ethnic  backgrounds  in  a
                  They  do  not  know  what  Happiness  is,          monastery  in  California  USA  like  the
                   where  Happiness  is,  what  True  Love  is.       Vietnamese, the European, the American
                   They  run  instead  of  walking,  instead  of      and the Asian. An Italian assistant Abbot
                   stopping  for  a  while  to  take  a  look,  to    shared that: Sometimes I witnessed some
                   learn, to enjoy life.                              people  got  upset  and  left  the  Sangha.  I
                   I  would  like  to  read  a  poem  made  by  a     think differently. I think the sangha to be
                   young  man  hurrying  to  love  and  torture       as  same  as  a  boat.  When  I  face  a
                   himself.                                           problem, I will not leave the boat easily.
                   On  this  afternoon,  I  recall  my  broken        Even more I think myself I am that Boat,
                   wounds                                             the  Boat  of  Sangha.  I  don’t  want  to  run
                   Happened with my first love                        away  and  build  another  temple  for
                   I found I was a fool                               myself.  I  will  live  and  die  with  the
                   Tortured myself                                    sangha. If the problem is too difficult to
                                                                      solve, if I want to leave the sangha, I will
                5.  How  to  be  truly  happy,  to  live              ask the sangha to give me one more year
                   meaningful?  How  to  live  the  life  you         to  think  thoroughly  before  I  make  final
                   deserve?                                           decision.  Similarly,  if  you  are  in  a
                                                                      marriage  relationship,  do  not  give  up
                   What is Great Love? It’s not having many           easily  just  because  of  one  or  some
                   people loving you, or love many people.            mistakes  from  your partner. You are the
                   It  is  to  love  one  person  for  a  life  time.   boat,  you  share  the  happiness,  sadness
                   Another question for adult: What is soul           and  responsibility  together.  I  would  like
                   mate?  Are  you  looking  for  soul  mate?         to suggest that you consider a timeframe
                   Why  don’t  you  be  a  soul  mate  for  your      of 3 months or 3 years to think thoroughly
                   loved  one?  You  are  looking  for  ideal         before  you  make  a  final  decision  to
                   lover?  Why  don’t  you  be  an  ideal  lover      separate or divorce.
                   for  your  loved  one?  To  my  opinion,  to       In general, in order to live a meaningful
                   love  someone  is  to  give  that  person          and responsible life (like being an orange
                   freedom, not putting him or her in a cage          tree not a lemon tree, a lion not a monkey,
                   like putting a cool wind in a closed room          fragrant  roses…),  you  need  to  cultivate
                   for yourself.                                      these characters:

                   Love  is  eyes,  is  ear,  is  mouth.  Loving     Learn how to be grateful, to forgive, to be
                   eyes look at mankind. Loving ears listen           patient. That’s the key to True Love. It is
                   to  mankind  (you  need  to  listen  to            said  that:  Gratitude  will  bring  you
                   unspoken words like Kuan Yin). Loving              happiness. The greatest asset of a person
                   mouth  only  speaks  loving  words,  not           is not knowledge, but a listening “heart”,
                   scolding,  not  insulting  your  loved  one…

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