Page 14 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 7
P. 14

EL-KaNEMI                                                                                                                                                                                  EL-KaNEMI

            Theme Night                                                                                                                                                                                Theme Night

               he El-Kanemi hostel theme night on Sat-

               urday, October 5, 2024, was a celebration
       Tof Kanuri culture, and I had the privilege of
       helping with the food preparation. The excitement
       started the day before, when we handled most of
       the prep work to make things run smoothly. From
       packaging drinks to peeling and chopping ingre-
       dients for the marinades, it was all about efficien-
       cy. By the time the event arrived, all that was left
       was the cooking, and we were ready to deliver a


       I began by preparing ‘burabusko’, a Kanuri tribe
       delicacy that is commonly known as couscous. I
       heated water and vegetable oil to a boil and then
       gently poured in the grains which then swelled up
       when I let them rest

       My last task was frying sinasir, a classic Kanuri rice
       pancake that is prepared by soaking, grinding
       and mixing rice and then adding yeast as the ris-
       ing agent. We chose to use sugar. It gets its flavour
       from frying it in oil that has been used to fry onions.
       We had to prepare for a large number of guests,
       so the frying took a very long time, especially be-
       cause I was frying in little circular pits on a frying


       The year 11s prepared the Okro and Kuka soup
       which was so delicious. That was my first time see-
       ing how kuka was prepared. Luckily, I completed it
       in time for the presentation, and everyone ended
       up enjoying our food.

                             - Sheila Chianugo Nwachukwu
                                             Year 10 Senegal

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