Page 16 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 7
P. 16
Medical C
Medical Corner Exercise promotes better sleep and
Struggling to snooze? Regular physical activity can Exercise can
help you fall asleep faster, get better sleep and reduce your risk
deepen your sleep. Importantly, do not exercise too of chronic disease
Health close to bedtime, or you may be too energized to
go to sleep.
Benefits Exercise boosts energy level: Regular exercise helps prevent or man-
age many health problems and con-
Regular physical activity can improve your
cerns, including:
muscles. Exercise can help boost your energy
Of Exercise level while helping to reduce fatigue. Exercise
sends oxygen and nutrients to your tissues • Stroke
• Metabolic syndrome
and helps your cardiovascular system work
• High blood pressure
more efficiently. And when your heart and lung
• Type 2 diabetes
health improve, you have more energy to tack-
xercise is a form of physical activity that is • Depression
le daily chores.
performed to improve the physical health, • Anxiety
Eperformance, and appearance of the • Many types of cancer
Exercise is good for your muscles and bones
body. It can also be defined as any movement • Arthritis
Exercise plays a vital role in building and main-
that makes your muscles work and requires your • Falls
taining strong muscles and bones. As people
body to burn calories.
age, they tend to lose muscle mass, strength,
In conclusion, Exercise offers incredible
Exercise control weight: and function. This leads to an increased risk of
benefits that can improve nearly every
Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain injury. Practising regular physical activity is es-
aspect of your health.
or help you keep off lost weight. When you take sential in maintaining strength as you age and
part in physical activity, you burn calories. The also prevents Osteoporosis later in life.
Regular physical activity can increase
more intense the activity, the more calories you
the production of hormones that make
burn. For example, take the stairs instead of the Exercise and physical activity can be fun.
you feel happier and help you sleep bet-
elevator. Consistency is the key. They give you a chance to unwind, enjoy the
outdoors or simply do activities that make you
Exercise improves mood and skin health: happy. Physical activity also can help you con-
Exercise has been shown to improve your mood nect with family or friends in a fun social set-
and decrease feelings of depression, anxi- ting. So, take a dance class, hit the hiking trails
Nurse Nkiru Oknokwo
ety, and stress. Need an emotional lift? A gym or join a soccer team. Find a physical activity
Matron, Oduduwa Hostel
session or brisk walk can help. Physical activi- you enjoy, and just do it.
ty stimulates many brain chemicals that may
leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less
anxious which can boost your confidence and
improve your self-esteem.