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A Message from

                                                MRS. DYER

                                                HEAD OF SCHOOL

                       ear Parents,
                       We are so proud of how hard our children in years 3-6 have worked

            Dtowards their Cambridge Progress tests. Thank you for the support you
            have given them. We had an exciting day today with our year four village day.

            ICT Coding and Robotics Exhibition

            We have made some changes to the schedule for the ICT Coding and Robotics Ex-
            hibition, due to unforeseen circumstances our hall is out of action this week.
            Years 1-3 will have their exhibition next Tuesday, 2nd July, and Years 4-6 will hold

            theirs on Thursday, 4th July – please see Class Dojo for the timings for each class.

            Parent Transition Day

            This Friday 28th, we will be holding our Parent Transition Meetings.
            9:00 Is for parents of pupils moving from Year 2 – Year 3.
            10:00 is for parents of pupils moving from Reception to Year 1.
            11:00 is for parents of pupils moving from Playgroup to Nursery.

            Results from the Parent Consultation for Next Year’s School Development
            Plan 2024

            As promised, I have the results of our Parent Consultation for next year’s School
            Development Plan. This was a great success, with 74 parents attending the online
            meeting. Parents were impressed with the academic data presented and our plans
            for next year. Only 66 parents then took part in our online Parent Consultation.

            However, the results show that our parents are delighted with everything we are
            achieving at Abuja Prep; they feel we have improved in many areas from what was
            already a high standard. We have collated the data below and will use this to advise

            our School Development Plan.

                     DISCOVER                            DEVELOP                         DELIVER                                            DISCOVER                            DEVELOP                         DELIVER
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9