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                                                                                                                                  ‘My children and I are having a “fantabulous” learning experience in Abuja Prep,
            100% of our parents say their children are happy and safe in school. They believe                                     and the staff are doing excellently well; of course, you all will be better next year.
            we have high expectations of children’s behaviour. They say that when they have                                       Keep raising the bar in our children’s educational experience and instilling the right

            concerns, they have been dealt with properly. 100% say that Abuja Prep is a wel-                                      morals in them. Abuja Prep children are well-behaved and disciplined.’
            coming place and would recommend Abuja Prep to other parents.
                                                                                                                                  Areas For Development – Parents said – We have listened.
            95.5% of parents are happy that their child is doing well at school.

            A few parents (4) feel bullying incidents must be handled more effectively. Bullying                                  1.     Parents said – that 11% of you would like more information about what
            incidents are rare at Abuja Prep and are always taken very seriously. If you think                                    your child is learning. Currently we send you the term plans for each subject at the
            there has been a bullying incident involving your child, we encourage you to report                                   beginning of each term.
            it immediately to the class teacher, who will investigate. If you are dissatisfied with

            how it is dealt with, they are encouraged to speak to their child’s Coordinator, Mrs                                  We have listened - From next academic year, all year groups will send a weekly
            Dyer, or Ms Goje.                                                                                                     summary of what your child will be covering in each subject.

            These are just some of the Positive Comments.                                                                         2.     Parents said – 10.5% of you would like more information on how your child

                                                                                                                                  is doing in school. We currently send a termly report followed by a parent-teacher
            ‘Home/school communication is great. We get a weekly review of what the chil-                                         conference (PTC). Teachers are also available anytime to discuss your child’s pro-
            dren are doing in school, and the teachers communicate if there are any areas in                                      gress if you have concerns.
            which the children need work.’

                                                                                                                                  We have listened - From next academic year, we will send a 1-page report at half
            ‘With all the information platforms, I can work well with my child at home and                                        term and invite you to an optional Parent Teacher Conference (PTC) should you
            provide all she needs.’                                                                                               wish to discuss it. We will continue to provide full reports and PTC at the end of
                                                                                                                                  every term.

            ‘It’s our first year at Abuja Prep, and I’m satisfied and thrilled. I’ve been recom-
            mending Abuja prep; I love the environment, and it feels like home. My child has                                      3.     15.5% of parents are not happy with the amount of homework their child
            evolved academically and socially.’                                                                                   receives. Some would like to see more homework, and some would like it reduced.
                                                                                                                                  As we have discussed previously in Blossoms, research shows that homework has

            ‘I am happy with my children’s noticeable improvement. All thanks to their Teach-                                     little effect on raising children’s achievement at primary school. Small amounts of
            ers. I thank Abuja Preparatory School for their support and care towards my son’s                                     homework linked to children’s class learning help reinforce what is learnt in school.
            health.’                                                                                                              As our children progress through school, the amount of homework set increases in
                                                                                                                                  readiness for Secondary School.

            ‘My daughter is really happy and thriving. Any concerns that arise are dealt with
            professionally and swiftly. No complaints at all. Thanks Abuja Prep.’                                                 All comments and ideas from the parent survey will be considered and used to
                                                                                                                                  write our School Development Plan for 2023-2024.
            ‘Thank you for providing our child with a secure & supportive learning environ-

            ment.’                                                                                                                Have a great week, everyone.

            ‘Keep going, you are a great school! You’re amazing!’                                                                 Kind Regards

                                                                                                                                  Dominique Dyer.

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