Page 2 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 27
P. 2
From The Editorial Desk
03 Valentine Thomas
Editorial Desk 04 Quite a number of events happened
06 Principal’s Desk within the last two weeks that would
form the contents of this newsletter
and the next.
16 S things done at the same time. But… place for the first time in the school. It
Karate Competition ometimes I wish I had four arms. Also, the Swimming Competition took
Perhaps that would help get many
was characterised by a high level of
four arms with one brain? Perhaps that
excitement among the students who
22 Inter-House would be disastrous. Possibly, two arms competed to the delight of others that
would be undoing what the other two had
were the spectators. If you are a nov-
Swimming Competition
done. Anyway, nature is perfect. We must
ice at the sport like me, you will get the
chance to know swimming styles like
have been given just two arms for a good
Inter-House reason. Sometimes these thoughts creep breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, etc.
up my mind when I seem to have a thou-
when you read the articles and see the
Lawn Tennis sand things to do all about the same time. pictures within.
Competition 26 Well, they still get done anyway. That is the There was another first-time event; the
power of resilience.
Tennis Competition. Well, it would be
28 Medical Corner Quite a number of events happened with- unfair to keep you too long on this page.
in the last two weeks that would form the
Please, hurry along to the next page,
the next page and the next page so
contents of this newsletter and the next.
Reader of the Week 30 However, we will take them piecemeal. that you can catch all the excitement
as well. It all happened on the premises
First, it was an Olympic-like Karate Com-
of The Regent Secondary School.
Calendar petition where there was a volley of kicks
and punches. Some students did the beat-
ing while some others took the beating.
Find the details within, please.