Page 4 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 27
P. 4
From The Principal’s Desk From The Principal’s Desk
After the Coffee Morning, many parents stayed
How can you make your points relevant to
in school to watch the Inter-House Speech Com-
your listeners? How can you help the au-
petition, which took place during the assembly.
dience understand your views? If you start
It was an amazing event and the quality of the
thinking critically about your speaking style,
speeches was of a very high standard. It takes a
you may find ways to improve your commu-
lot of courage and nerves to stand up in front of
nication in general.
the whole assembly and deliver a speech that
you, yourself have written. However, to do so
brings many rewards. Below, are just five of the Personal development
benefits that taking part in any Public Speaking Communication skills are crucial for personal
event can bring: and professional success and improving this
area is one of the greatest benefits of public
speaking. Preparing a speech forces speakers
Boost confidence: to take a step back and think critically about
effective ways to communicate.
Public speaking can significantly boost your
confidence. Overcoming the fears and insecu-
Robert Franklin
Principal rities that accompany public speaking is em- Improve communication skills
powering. Furthermore, connecting with audi-
When you write a speech, you have to think
ences can be a strong reminder that you have
carefully about the best framework, persua-
valuable insights and opinions to share with
Dear Parents, the world. sive strategy, and diction to communicate your
message to the audience. This type of think-
ing can help you improve your communication
his week all the pupils from Year Your confidence levels will grow as you go
skills in other areas of your life.
7 to Year 10 have been busy writ- from speaking to small groups of people up to
T ing the end-of-term examinations. large audiences. This will benefit you not just on
Public speaking focuses on communicating
These examinations form a significant pro- stage, but in everyday life as well.
ideas. You can learn to calmly take up an op-
portion of the final termly grade and there
posing view, present your ideas in an organized
has been an atmosphere of study before Critical thinking and coherent manner, and defend your views
the examinations and excited reflection
Public speaking is an excellent way to build to others.
critical thinking skills. Writing a speech requires
a great deal of careful thought, from the audi- Build leadership skills
I would like to thank all the parents who
ence analysis to the closing sentence. It’s not If you let others do your talking for you in the
came to the Coffee Morning last week. I
enough to have a message, you also need to past or found it hard to express what you
hope that you found it informative and
tailor the message to fit the needs of your au- wanted to say, that will fade. Not only will you
dience. be able to speak your mind fluently, but you’ll
find yourself doing it for others too.