Page 2 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 19
P. 2
From the
Content Editorial Desk
Valentine Thomas | Editor
ictory is sweet especially when you are the one
savouring it. Of course, everyone likes to experi-
ence victory but the process of it is excruciating.
03 V So much stress and effort goes into it. Senegal
From The Editorial Desk House had their fill of victory last Saturday when they won
all the Inter House Football Competition categories. Be-
04 sides that, the spectators had fun. You can catch the fun
From The Principal’s Desk too when you open to page 8.
07 Please meet our new member of staff who has come to join
New Staff Introduction the school with a wealth of experience. Unfortunately, there
08 is no space for her here, so check page 7 for her profile.
Inter-House Football Competition The Geography students had another opportunity to study
13 nature in reality when they went on a field trip. It was an
Year 11 Geography Field Trip experience they are happy to share and they have done it
16 on page 13.
From The Languages Faculty Faculty content for this week is from the Languages Fac-
18 ulty, an article titled: “Mind-Wandering in the Classroom”.
Up Next If you are not part of the classroom setting, you may as
well still be concerned to read so you may understand all
19 about the title. Please find it on page 16.
January Schedule
Medical Corner 20 For people who value less sleep because they have so
much to do, please read about how sleep affects aca-
Puzzler 22 demic performance and health on the Medical Corner.
This week, the Regent Digest does not offer anything less
than usual. Please, check it out.