Page 4 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 19
P. 4

From The Principal’s Desk                                                                                                  From The Principal’s Desk

                                                                                                                                Their contributions, such as those of the West

                                                I saw this visit as an opportunity                                              African Frontier Force during World War I and
                                                                                                                                the 81st and 82nd (West Africa) Divisions in the
                                                  to celebrate the excellence and                                               Burma Campaign during World War II, remind

                                                achievements of Regent Second-                                                  us of the power of unity and resilience. To-
                                                             ary to the parents at                                              day, their legacy continues as Nigerian forces
                                                                                                                                contribute to global peacekeeping missions
                                                                  Regent Primary                                                in places like Darfur, Sierra Leone, and Liberia.

                                                                                                                                We also acknowledged the poppy as a uni-
                                                                                                                                versal  symbol  of remembrance,  represent-
                                                                 On January 13th, the Senior Leadership
                 Philip Reynolds
                    Principal                                    Team, including myself, the Vice Principal,                    ing sacrifice and hope for a better future. A
                                                                                                                                Wreath was laid, white pigeons released, and
                                                                 the  Bursar,  and  the  Head  of  Admissions,
                                                                                                                                moments  of  silence  observed,  affirming  our
                                                                 visited The Regent Primary School (TRPS). I
        Dear Parents and Students,                               saw this visit as an opportunity to celebrate                  collective commitment to peace, courage,
                                                                                                                                and unity.
                                                                 the excellence and achievements of Regent
                  s we mark another week of achieve-
                                                                 Secondary to the parents at Regent Prima-
                  ments  and  solemn  reflection  at                                                                            We anticipate a bustling Crazy Weekend for
                                                                 ry, highlighting our holistic approach and
         A Regent Secondary School, I wish                                                                                      Prospective Boarders and our Accolades As-
                                                                 ethos and setting the tone for our well-at-
         to share key highlights from the past few                                                                              sembly on January 17th, where we will cele-
                                                                 tended Open Day on January 14th. Parents
         days and offer a moment to pause and                                                                                   brate students’ achievements. Let us continue
                                                                 thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to en-
         honour  the  significance  of  Armed  Forces                                                                           to work together as a community to embody
                                                                 gage with staff, explore our facilities, and
         Remembrance Day, which took place on                                                                                   the values of service and excellence.
                                                                 learn more about the Regent ethos, setting
         January 15th.
                                                                 a positive foundation for Crazy Weekend to
         On Saturday, January 10th, we success-
         fully concluded the PTCS (Parent-Teacher
                                                                 On January 15th, Regent Secondary School
         Consultation Sessions). That same after-
                                                                 gathered as a community for Armed Forc-
         noon, the highly anticipated House Foot-
                                                                 es Remembrance Day, a solemn occasion
         ball Tournament took place, and Senegal
                                                                 to honour the sacrifices of Nigerian service-
         House emerged victorious with a clean
                                                                 men and women. In my address, I reflected
         sweep across all categories. Congratula-
                                                                 on the courage and dedication of Nigerian
         tions to all participating students and staff
                                                                 soldiers who served during the World Wars
         who made the event memorable.
                                                                 and in peacekeeping missions across Afri-                            Philip Reynolds
                                                                 ca.                                                                  Principal

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