Page 7 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 22
P. 7

FROM THE                                                                                           Preparing for the
    PRINCIPAL’S                                                                                        BSO Inspection

      3. Reinforcing Regent Core Values
          and Behaviours

         Students should reflect The Regent School’s
         core values by demonstrating punctuality,
         attentiveness, and active lesson participa-
         tion. These values are fundamental to both
         academic success and school culture.

      4. Preparing Students for Potential Questions

         Inspectors may ask students about the fol-
            •  What they are learning in their classes
            •  How their learning connects to previ-
                ous lessons
            •  Whether they enjoy their studies and
         Teachers will support students by review-
         ing potential questions in class discussions,
         ensuring they feel prepared to share their
 1. Familiarising Students with the   thoughts confidently.
      Inspection Process
      5. Participating in Focus Groups

         If invited to join a focus group, students should
         feel comfortable discussing:                              6. Ensuring Familiarity with Policies
            •  How the school supports their learning                   and Routines
                and well-being                                        Students should be aware of important
            •  Extracurricular  opportunities  available              school policies, including:
                to them                                                   •  Safeguarding and student welfare
 2. Promoting a Positive Mindset  •  Their sense of safety and inclusion with-  procedures

                in the school community                                   •  Behaviour expectations and disci-
                                                                             plinary procedures
                                                                          •  Health and safety regulations
                                                                      Students are encouraged to diligently
                                                                      follow daily routines, including wearing
                                                                      the correct uniform, submitting assign-
                                                                      ments on time, and adhering to class-
                                                                      room rules.

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