Page 3 - News letter Week 6 term 3
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 03                                                  DESK

 From the Headmaster’s  Desk
 F rom the He admaster’ s  Desk
 04                                                           fostering compassion, respect, and a

                                                              genuine appreciation for diversity. This mindset
 Learning to Count
 Le ar ning to Count                                          not only benefits the individual
 06                                                           but also contributes to a more harmonious, just,

                                                              and peaceful global community.
 Counting Made Colourful
 Counting Made Colourful
 07                                                           •  By engaging with diverse cultures, ideas, and
                                                                  experiences, internationally
                                                              minded students develop a more nuanced

 08                                                           understanding of the world. They learn
                                                              to appreciate different viewpoints, challenge
 Crafty Creations                                             their own assumptions, and gain a
 Crafty Cre
 26                                                           deeper appreciation for the richness of human
                                                              diversity. This broadening of perspectives
 Building Dre ams                                             fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and
 Building Dreams
 28             Shaun Stockden                                the ability to navigate complex, global issues
                                                              with empathy and nuance.
 Building Homes
 Building Homes
 28                                                           •  Cultivating internationally minded students
    This week has seen a series of events that                    helps them acquire invaluable
 Nurses Corner
 Nurses Cor ner            helped to develop a level of international  intercultural competence. They learn to
 28  awareness in our students, that is not possible          communicate effectively across cultural
    in every school setting. Whether it be                    boundaries, navigate cultural differences with
 Reader of the Week
 Re ader of the  W eek            the language and culture showcased in our   sensitivity, and collaborate productively with
 29  international day celebrations or the cuisine            individuals from diverse  backgrounds. These
    skillfully represented by our Junor MasterChef            skills are highly sought after in the modern
 TermDates  finalists, The Reget Primary School has           workforce and essential for success in an
 30  had a truly global feel this week. With this in          increasingly globalized world.
    mind, it seems a good time to reflect on the
 erm  Calendar

 Term  Calendar                many benefits of a truly international   •  International-mindedness encourages
 32  education for our students.                              •  students to develop a deeper
                                                              understanding of global issues, trends, and
 Nationalities  •  At the heart of international-mindedness is   interconnections. They gain insights
        the cultivation of empathy and                        into the complex political, economic, social, and
    understanding. By engaging with different                 environmental challenges facing
    cultures and perspectives, students                       the world, and learn to consider multiple
    learn to see the world through others’ eyes,              perspectives when exploring these
                                                              pressing concerns. This enhanced global
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