Page 13 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 34
P. 13


 the Quality of

 Education in

 Nigeria                                                       Recommendations

                                                                 Government Investment in Public Educa-
 A Global Perspective Project By                                 tion: Advocating for increased government
                                                                 funding and support for public education
 Aliyu Zannah, Queen Abigail Adefeegbe, Hassan Yunusa & Zhaafirah Inuwa
                                                                 to enhance infrastructure, resources, and
                                                                 teacher training programs.

 he aim of our project was to delve into   We asked students for donations
 the  specific  factors  influencing  the                        Scholarship  Opportunities:           Encourag-
 and donated money and books   Challenges:                       ing the government and private sector to
 T quality of education in Nigeria, with a

 particular focus on Abuja. Our goal was to not   ourselves and raised a sum of   Lack  of  Infrastructure: Many schools   provide  scholarships  and  financial  aid  to
 only identify these factors but also to explore   face challenges related to inadequate   students  who  cannot  afford  quality  edu-
 300,000 naira. We used this mon-                                cation, ensuring inclusivity and equal op-
 potential strategies that could be implement-  facilities and infrastructure, hindering ef-
 ed to ensure that every individual in Abuja has   ey to buy essential school supplies   fective teaching and learning.  portunities for all.
 access to high-quality education.
 such as books, pencils, and pens.  Insufficient  Teaching  Staff: The short-  Teacher  Training  Programs: Implement-
 As part of our course of action, we organised   age  of  qualified  teaching  staff  affects   ing comprehensive teacher training pro-
                                                                 grams to enhance teaching skills and
 a charity visit to a Halal children’s home called   the quality of education and individual-
                                                                 improve classroom management tech-
 Brains & Minds Academy, on Saturday, May   We had conversations with the teachers,   ised attention to students.
 4th. We asked students from The Regent Sec-  talking about the dynamics of classes in
 ondary School for donations and we donat-  their school and how they could improve   Limited Access to Educational Resourc-
                                                                 Improving  Infrastructure: Investing in
 ed money and books ourselves and raised a   their teaching methodologies to improve   es: Some schools lack access to essential
                                                                 school infrastructure, including class-
 sum of 300,000 naira. We used this money to   the quality of education. We also asked   resources such as textbooks, technology,
                                                                 rooms, libraries, laboratories to create
 buy essential school supplies such as books,   about the challenges they face, gaining   and educational materials, limiting their
                                                                 more conducive learning environments.
 pencils, and pens. While at the school, we took   valuable insights into the realities of ed-  learning experiences.
 the initiative to read to students in Years 1-3,   ucation in Abuja.
                                                                 Addressing  Socio-Economic  Disparities:
 fostering a love for literacy among the young   Socioeconomic Factors: Economic dis-
                                                                 Developing policies and initiatives to nar-
 learners.  Through our interviews and question-  parities play a significant role, with stu-
                                                                 row  the  socioeconomic  gaps  that  affect
 naire surveys, we discovered that the   dents from disadvantaged backgrounds
                                                                 educational outcomes, promoting fairness
 Our engagement with the school went beyond   quality of education in Abuja is impacted   facing greater obstacles in accessing
                                                                 in education.
 material donations.   by various factors. These include:  quality education.

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