Page 17 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 34
P. 17

Medical Corner  •  BOOSTS IMMUNITY:   Mangoes contain im-

            mune boosting Nutrients. Mango is a good
            source of folate, several B vitamins, as well
            as vitamins A, C, K, and E — all of which                  •  HELPS REGULATE BLOOD SUGAR: The
            may help boost immunity.                                      fibre and natural sugars in mangoes
                                                                          help regulate blood sugar levels.
          •  IMPROVES DIGESTION: Mangoes can help
             stabilise your digestive system. Mangoes                  •  REDUCES  INFLAMMATION:  The  an-

             contain digestive enzymes that help to                       tioxidants in mangoes help reduce
             break down protein and aid digestion                         inflammation  in  the  body  and  may
             which can help you avoid constipation.                       help  alleviate  symptoms  of  inflam-
                                                                          matory conditions such as arthritis.
             The  fibre  in  mangoes  can  be  more  ef-
 THE         fective for relieving constipation than                   •  AIDS IN WEIGHT LOSS: Fibres in Man-

             equivalent fibre supplements.
                                                                          goes has the potential to aid in
 SURPRISING   •  IMPROVES HEART HEALTH: Mangoes are a                     weight control. Even though man-

                                                                          goes are low in calories, eating them
            great source of magnesium and potassi-
                                                                          promotes feelings of fullness and aid
 BENEFITS OF   um, both of which are connected to lower                   in weight loss.
            blood pressure and a regular heartbeat.

 MANGOES  HERE ARE SOME   •  ENHANCED SLEEP: Mangoes contain vita-     IN SUMMARY, Mango deserves a regular
                                                                       spot  in  your  fruit  bowl  with  all  its  vita-
            min B6, which is necessary for the synthe-
                                                                       mins, minerals and fibre. With so many
            sis of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that
 HEALTH BENEFITS   •  PROMOTES EYE HEALTH: Mangoes are rich            sweet and savoury mango recipes,
            promotes sleep.
                                                                       you’re  bound  to  find  one  that  appeals
                                                                       to you. Try it this season.

 mango is an edible stone fruit produced
 A   OF CONSUMING   in vitamin A and beta- Carotene, which
 by the tropical tree Mangifera indica.
            are   essential for good vision and may
 Mango is often called a superfruit be-
 cause it’s packed full of nutrition. It is high in   help prevent age related Macular degen-
 vitamins, minerals and fibre.
 •  LOWERS CANCER RISK: Mangoes are
 rich in antioxidants that have been   •  IMPROVES SKIN AND HAIR HEALTH: The Vi-
 Mangoes are low in calories but rich in nutri-  tamins A, C and E are antioxidants that are
 demonstrated to combat free radicals
 ents and can provide a great number of health   necessary for healthy hair and skin. The
 in the body, which can harm your cells
 benefits to the body.   high vitamin C content in mangoes helps
 and possibly result in cancer. Mangoes
 contain a particular type of substance   promote collagen production, which is                          Written by:
 called Mangiferin which has been found   essential  for  healthy  skin.  These  vitamins   Nurse Nkiru Okonkwo
 to possibly lower the risk of cancers of   help fight off the damage your skin sus-       Hostel Nurse/ Matron

 the breast, colon, Skin, Brain and Cervix.  tains each day from the environment. No
            wonder many skin care products contain


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