Page 3 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 34
P. 3

From the
         Editorial Desk

 03                                                       Valentine Thomas | Editor

 Editorial Desk  It is another week of information, education and
 04           entertainment. You are welcome into the pages of

                       this week’s edition of The Regent Digest.

 Principal’s Desk
                          he impression that I have always had is that microbes like bac-
 06               Tsick. As for protozoa…whatever that means, was not even known
                          teria, viruses and fungi are bad because they cause us to be

                   to me. Actually, I knew fungi to be good to eat. That is, mushrooms.

 Boarding Singing   However, much later, I learned that there are actually good bacteria
                   and viruses. Can you imagine?
 10                In this edition of The Regent Digest, the Science Faculty’s article has

                   done well to open our eyes to the fact that microbes could even be
                   manipulated for the benefit of humans. Perhaps you might also want
 Global Perspective   to clear your uncertainties about microbes, you should read the arti-
 12                The boarding students, last weekend, attempted to match the skills
                   of renowned musicians during the Boarding Singing Competition. The
                   question is; did they succeed or not? You are welcome to judge as you
 From the Faculty of Science  open the page.
 14                By the way, how much do you know about the mango that you love

                   to eat? After reading the Medical Corner for this week, you may be in-

 Medical Corner    spired to consume more when you find out about the health benefits
                   of the fruit.
 16                It is another week of information, education and entertainment. You

                   are welcome into the pages of this week’s edition of The Regent Digest.


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