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It’s a Great Day to be GEAR UP Cardinal!
Class of 2024/2025 Summer Camp: July 26th - July 29th
The Southside ISD GEAR UP team would like to formally invite the Class of 2024 and 2025 to join us during
our summer camp. Participating students will have the opportunity to increase their confi dence prior to PSAT
testing, and integrate college readiness into team building activities. In addition, students will have a chance to
to participate in a college tour to Schreiner University, San Angelo State University, and Texas State University.
For additional camp details and registration, reach out to a GEAR UP coordinator:Gissella Quezada (gissella. or Amalia Salas ( Use your phone to scan the QR
code to sign up for Gear Up Summer Camp information.
Who Does GEAR UP Service
The grant focuses exclusively on improving college readiness and success for students and their families through
rigorous academic curricula, comprehensive mentoring, fi nancial literacy, career counseling and advising. Also,
the program supports its cohort educators through professional development opportunities and resources to
better engage our students. GEAR UP also supports local businesses by laying the foundation for increased
student success, which leads to a stronger local workforce (and businesses have the opportunity to off er support
via partnerships with their local UT Austin GEAR UP grant). Lastly, the program supports communities by
investing in student success and helping to build community-wide college-going cultures through innovative
eff orts that benefi t far more than one group of students.
GEAR UP stands for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for
Undergraduate Programs. It is a highly competitive 7-year cohort-based
model starting no later than the 7th grade. The GEAR UP program currently
services the Class of 2024 and 2025. Southside ISD GEAR UP is affi liated
with the UT Austin offi ce of Institute of Public School Initiatives.