Page 12 - thecardinal-winter2020
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When Bruno Perez and Brandon Ruiz graduate from Southside High School
next May, they thought they’d go to work at a fast food restaurant while going
to Palo Alto College. Instead, the two electrical trade students landed a paid
internship at the Central Electric Company.
“Most graduates don’t know about opportunities that lie outside of the dis-
trict,” said student Brandon Ruiz. Central Electric Company owner Chris Martinez
talks with Southside High School seniors Brandon
However when Southside High’s electrical trades instructor Mr. Michael Cruz Ruiz and Bruno Perez about their internship.
saw the young men excelling in class, he recommended them for an internship
with Central Electric. Now, within a few years, the two Southside students can be earning up to $80,000 a year.
The process to land the internship at Central Electric Company, though, was not easy. The boys were interviewed by a panel of five
company officials.
“I think they had a sincere interest in the electrical field. They come from families that value working. They also have excellent man-
ners,” said Central Electric Chief Financial Officer Ernest Mora.
After graduation, the Southside seniors will enter a tough apprenticeship program. But, company owner Christ Martinez said the re-
wards will be worth the effort. “I think it’s exciting that the District is paying attention to this opportunity. They are entering a skilled
trade and they’ll be able to make a good living,” Martinez said.
Students interested in internships are encouraged to apply also at CPS Energy. CPS Energy Director of Community Strategy and
Engagement Jesse Hernandez, who’s also a Southside ISD Board Member, says pportunities are there for students. “We have different
types of initiatives and hopefully students at Southside ISD will see and say, ‘Hey, I want to go try that out’.”
In an effort to support ress that each English Learner makes in & Journals
parents of English becoming proficient in the use of academ- • Teacher Created Materials: Parent
Learners and Dual ic English. Strategies & Summer Resources
Language Two way • Rosetta Stone: (Resource utilized at
students, the Bilingual Mr. Gino Franceschi recently joined the home for Language Acquisition)
Program Department SISD technology team. His Bilingual • TELPAS : Parent Resources for success
has continued to collaborate with various background will help support not only the • Virtual Instruction Support (See Saw;
vendors and the district Technology De- technology component but the language Daily Instruction; utilizing applica-
partment to offer training. The training support during our sessions. tions, etc)
sessions will be held virtually and in per- • Language Acquisition (Resource
son when possible. The goal is to support In addition to information, support and utilized during STAAR block/inter-
parents and English Learners with TEL- training parents will walk away with var- ventions)
PAS preparation in class and at home. ious materials, resources, books and sup-
plies. For additional information contact: Adri-
The Texas English Language Proficiency Trainings planned for the spring include: ana Bermea, Director of Bilingual Ser-
Assessment System (TELPAS), is the state • Learning A-Z :( RAZ –PLUS) vices.
assessment designed to measure the prog- • Velasquez Press: Academic Vocabulary