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Southside High School

        SPIRIT WEEK WINNERS                                                          ATTENTION 8TH GRADERS!!!

        CARDINAL PRIDE runs deep at SOUTHSIDE despite COVID-19. Southside High School   The Southside Early College High School
        celebrated its traditional Cardinal Spirit Week November 30th -December 4th.  As part   would like to invite you to be a part of
        of spirit week, we had a student poster decorating contest, teacher door decorating con-  the ECHS family! The Early College HS
        test, and also had a dress up theme for students and staff each day of week. Thank you   allows students the opportunity to earn a
        to all participants and those who made the event possible. Congratulations to all of our   high school diploma and 60 college cred-
        winners.                                                                   it hours. In order to be selected for en-
                                                                                   rollment you must be a 9th grade student
                                                                                   at Southside HS, submit a completed ap-
                                                                                   plication by March 5th 2021, and agree
                                                                                   to participate in the ECHS Summer
                                                                                   Bridge! Applications will be made avail-
                                                                                   able on January 19th and will be posted
                                                                                   on the ECHS website and will be avail-
                                                                                   able in printed form at
                                                                                   the middle schools. Ac-
                                                                                   cept the challenge and
                                                                                   take advantage of this
                                                                                   great opportunity!! For
                                                                                   more information  visit

                                                   CULINARY ARTS STUDENTS COOK  &

                                                   PREPARE THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON
                                                   On Saturday, November 14th, Southside ISD Culinary Arts students cooked
                                                   and prepared a Thanksgiving luncheon for community members under the su-
                                                   pervision of Culinary Arts Instructor, Chef Angel Machado.  This is the 3rd year
                                                   that students participate in the very important event where they learn to give
                                                   back to their community and leave a lasting impression on the community they
                                                   serve.  This year was very special, as many families are struggling to put food on
                                                   the table due to the COVID 19 pandemic.  This generous event will leave long
                                                   lasting memories for many of our community members and students as well.

                                                                                    TWO CHOIR STUDENTS PLACE
        2020 FIESTA MEDAL ART WINNER!                                               IN THE PRE AREA AUDITIONS
                         SHS art teacher Christina Robinson’s student, 10th Grader Savannah
                         Hardin, was 2020 Fiesta Art contest winner.

                         What do you do when your superintendent of schools calls you in
                         front of your class and says, “You are in trouble again girl?” Well,
                         Southside High School sophomore Savannah Hardin just grinned and
                         then she hid her face in shock. Then Superintendent Mark Eads an-  Ana Martinez  Carolina Rubio
                         nounced in front of Mrs. Christine Robinson’s art class that Savannah
                         was the district winner for the 2019-2020 Patriotic Art Contest and   Congratulations to Ana Martinez for
        therefore her art was going to be the SISD’s official Fiesta Medal artwork for Fiesta 2020.  placing 6th place at the TMEA Pre-Area
                                                                                    Choir Auditions. She missed advancing
        This is the fifth year Southside has been holding the contest. Each campus participates and   by 1 place.
        picks an art contest winner for their campus after the fall history and social studies recog-
        nition of Constitution Week and Freedom Day. The contest also coincides with Patriot Day.   Congratulations to  Carolina Rubio,
        Once all the winners are chosen a district winner is picked by judges ( this year the board of   who will be advancing to the Area Au-
        managers and the board of directors for the SISD Education Foundation judged).  ditions! She placed 2nd at Pre-Area!
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