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                                             “Nurse Desi,” as students affectionately  students  who  are  out  of  date  with  their
                                             call her, treats students and staff with high  shots. Outbreaks of chickenpox or measles
                                             medical protocols and standards. She’s  are possible, which can be dangerous for
                                             also well aware that a COVID-19 diagno-  children under the age of one or pregnant
                                             sis could lead to serious illness or death to  women. I’m worried about that.”
                                             family members.
                                                                                  Nurse Fernandez began her career at
                                             Southside High School principal Ms. Deme-  Southside ISD nearly 18 years ago working
                                             tria Sance says, Nurse Desi is hardworking  with special needs children at Heritage Ele-
                                             and consistent yet, can automatically make  mentary. She transferred to Southside High
                                             life-saving decisions. “Nurse Fernandez’s  School  in  2010  and  has  been  there  since.
                                             work is immeasurable. Not only does she  “The district is growing, but it is still very
                                             manage the needs of the high school days,  family-oriented and family connected. I
                                             but she has also provided much needed  am grateful to be accepted by this commu-
                                             support  for  other schools  in the  district”  nity that I truly respect and love,” she said.
                                             said Ms. Sance.
        Southside High School nurse Desiree Fer-                                  Southside ISD asks all to help us recognize
        nandez charts daily the growing number   If  there’s  one  thing  Nurse  Desiree  would  all the school nurses and paraprofessionals
        of COVID-19 cases impacting the district.   do differently, she says, she would have be-  who have been working nonstop to help
        Twelve-hour  days  have  become  routine.   come a nurse practitioner early in her ca-  guide administrators, teachers, parents,
        Her high school nurses office now acts as   reer. She also says COVID-19 has impact-  and students through these unprecedented
        an urgent care center. “I miss the typical   ed nurses everywhere. “It put the spotlight  times. They are truly part of the frontline
        days pre-COVID when sending kids home   back on nurses and the importance of what  and help us heal in more ways than we
        with lice was a big deal.” Instead, South-  we do.”                       could ever have imagined.
        side ISD’s registered nurse finds herself ei-
        ther glued to a computer documenting the   As a medical professional, Nurse Desiree
        coronavirus surge, charting cases affecting   says it is important to keep away from oth-
        students or staff, in addition to answering   ers,  wear  your  mask  correctly,  and  take
        questions from frantic parents, dispensing   children to the doctor’s office for health
        medications, performing medical proce-  checkups and vaccines.  If not, the conse-
        dures, addressing mental health concerns,   quences, she warns, can be dire. “There are
        and making the occasional EMS call.
                                                                                      Nurse Fernandez conforting staff member.
                              Thank you to our nurses at Southside!

                       Adela Alvarado, RN - Heritage ES                  Mark Fuller, RN - Matthey MS
                        Norma Cruz, RN - Freedom ES                      Yvonne Leal, RN - Gallardo ES
                         Jennifer Farias, RN - Pearce ES                Blanca Portillo, RN - Losoya MS
                       Desiree Fernandez, BSN, RN - SHS               Heather Siebert, BSN, RN - Menchaca
                                                                           Emilia Vara, CNA -  SHS

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