Page 18 - thecardinal-winter2020
P. 18
The SISD Business and Financial Department Recognized
The SISD Business and Financial Department was
recognized Thursday, November 19, 2020 on mul-
tiple levels.
During a public hearing, the department reported
earning an A+ rating by auditors for their work in
keeping the district’s accounting and budget at the
highest standard in the industry.
And Southside ISD was recognized by Cenergistic
for $1,068,000.00 in Energy Savings. SISD proud-
ly works to limit the consumption of energy use to
save the environment and to save money!!
Heritage Paraprofessionals Step Up
Despite the daily challenges that
the pandemic has caused, Heritage
continues to run smoothly. All our
staff works as a team to be sure stu-
dents’ needs are met, but there is
one particular group that has really
stepped up. Our eleven instruction-
al paraprofessionals and three office
staff members are truly the unsung
heroes of our campus. The instruc-
tional paraprofessionals are cover-
ing classes when teachers are out,
making sure lunch duties are cov-
ered, and generally troubleshooting
issues without being asked to do so.
In addition, our office ladies work
to coordinate staff and substitutes,
cover lunch duties, visit families at
home of disengaged students to help get them back on the right track, and assisting families that call in with tech-
nology related issues.
On November 19th our facilities staff completed some beautifica-
tion projects at the Board Room.
• Accent walls, touch ups were painted
• Added new projective screen & new chairs purchased
• New LED lighting was added to the exterior walkway
• Decorative lamp posts were repainted
• Landscaping upgrades in front of the building
• Power washed all exterior
• Car stoppers were repainted