Page 28 - Grade 2_Cornice
P. 28


                Enjoy solving riddles and puzzl es with y our family and friends.


                     1.  What belongs to you, but other people

                          use it more than you?

                     2.  What has hands but no arms and a face

                          but no eyes?

                     3.  What is full of holes, but can still hold a

                          lot of water?

                     4.  Kate’s mother has three children named

                          Eric, Richard and ………

                     5.  I have a tail and a head, but no body.

                          What am I ?

                     6.  You cut me, slice me, dice me and all the

                          while, you cry. What am I ?

                     7.  The more you take, the more you leave
                          behind.What am I ?

                                                                 by Suvansh Shrestha

                                                                                       4. Kate,  5. Coin,  6. Onion,  7. Footsteps

                                                                                 1. Name,  2. Clock,  3. Sponge,

     24                                                               Answers :
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