Page 26 - Grade 2_Cornice
P. 26

Emerging Poets

          We explore, we creat e! Our creation re ects rhymes and rhythms!

          Hand Wash

          You need to wash your hands every day
          To keep the germs away.

          Use lots of water to make it wet
          Or else you will regret it.

          Don’t forget to dry it with a towel,
           en your hand will smell like a  ower.                            Bird

          Wash your hands in your school,                                   I heard some tweets,
          Do not wash them in the pool.                                     Which weren’t really sweet,
                                                                            It sounded like a cry.
          Washing hands is fun in every way,                                And its sound was high.
          You can wash them every day.
                                           by Shikha Subedi               So I ran out of my house wearing a hat,
                                                                          It was a baby bird on our mat,
                                                                           e tweet seemed to say,
                 Birds                                                    Please help me get my way.

                 Birds  y in the sky,
                  ey  y really, really high.                                I held the bird to a tree,
                                                                            Now the bird was free,
          Some birds have less and some have more feathers,                  e bird  ew up to the tree,
          Birds migrate in the warm weather.                                and Now I was also free.
                                                                                             by Pragyata Paudel
                 Some birds are big and tall,
                 Some are tiny and small.                     Acros�c Poem

          Some birds are colourful,                           Samaira is a girl
          And most of them are wonderful.                     Always happy
                                                              Makes cra s
                 Birds are lovely in every way,               Amazing girl
                 Learn to love them every day.                Intelligent
                                            by Trigya Ghale   Rose lover
                                                              Aggressive at times

                                                              Always fun at her table
                                                              Sings nicely
                                                              Nice dancer
                                                              Yogurt lover
                                                              Takes her jobs seriously
                                                              by Samaira Basnyat

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