Page 30 - Digital Cornice Grade 9
P. 30
Not Being enough
By: Samyam Narsingh Sharma
Whatever I do
‘Not enough,’ says everyone
Therefore I believe so.
I am far from my peak
Nowhere near my worst, yet
All I hear is, ‘How much lower can he drop?’
I may seem indifferent
I may not care
But deep down
I wish to improve; I wish to be better
I lose hope when I can't.
I feel myself falling down from the place I stood high
I try; I fall
Procrastination is a habit not easily killed
They say ‘No pressure’
But Oh! I do feel it.
I peaked too early and everyone can see it
I never had to work hard
The problem is- I still can’t.
My laziness gets hold of me, everytime I make a try
Afraid to share the feelings of guilt and unhappiness
I drown in self hatred but hey,’I’m okay” I say
Or am I?
I wonder what it would take to be ‘Enough’
I smile as I see smiling faces
Not knowing, Why?
The world that always seemed fine
With the bright sun shining,
Has stopped to exist
As night approaches, the darkness spreads around
But the moon and the stars shining, oh! so high above me
Show me the path that I must take
I hope the dawn comes soon
Bringing with it a new day,
Just as bright as the one before; and that
Hope is all I need to keep me going.