Page 60 - Digital Cornice Grade 9
P. 60
As a result, the employment of a CGI program will Overall, CGI is an extraordinary example of
be critical in bringing the seasons to life. It has modern technology that has changed and
been calculated that a Game of Thrones episode continues to change the film industry. CGI allows
contains 10 minutes of CGI which was rumored you to create photographic material without a
to cost around $800,000. This is a series that is product to shoot. It allows endless possibilities to
only partially based on computer animation. This what can be produced and makes creating movies
price would be far too unreasonably high for a an even more competitive job. This limits the usage
film totally composed of CGI, such as a movie like of CGI solely to the hard work and creativity of the
Lion King. Consequently, while it saves money on producers.
set and space purchases, the software and wages
required to hire specialists to develop the film are Reference:
quite high.
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