Page 55 - Digital Cornice Grade 9
P. 55

Mask Activity

                                         The “I” Beneath the Surface

                                              By: Abhilasha Gorkhalee

                   In the camouflage activity, we had to paint  In the literal sense, we all wear masks these
                   our faces to represent what we are from the  days because of covid, but have you ever
                   inside and what we perceive to be to the  thought about how we wear masks even
                   world outside.                              when we don’t wear masks? It is an invisible
                   I had my face painted on both sides and the  thing to hide and cover ourselves from
                   right side of my face was what I generally  others. Take me for example. When I wear
                   hide from others. It was filled with clouds,  masks, it helps me to keep myself safe and
                   thunder and rain. The clouds expressed  protected. I wear different masks around
                   my feelings to be free, free like a bird, like  different people. Around strangers, I wear
                   I’m flying. The thunder on my forehead  a mask of a shy girl; Around family, I wear a
                   expressed how angry I could be. When I get  mask of a happy and satisfied girl; Around
                   mad, I can be like thunder scaring everyone  friends, I wear a mask of a friendly and
                   away but I always try to refrain from doing  helpful girl; Around best friends, I wear a
                   so. The rain on my cheeks signified the tears  mask of a happy, helpful and talkative girl;
                   that I hide behind the everyday mask I wear.  Around myself, I remove all the mask and
                   The tears of anger, the tears of missing the  sit there, staring into the girl in the mirror,
                   dead, the tears of sadness, the tears of fear.  wondering who she really is.
                   All hidden; hidden behind the mask I drew
                   on the left side of my face. On the left side,
                   I had stars painted in orange and yellow all
                   over. The stars show how outgoing I look
                   from the outside and how happy I seem to
                   be. The orange and yellow colors are the
                   color of the sunshine and so are associated
                   with warmth and energy. They show how
                   enthusiastic, happy, and courageous I am.

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