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capturing a greener future – The importance of green gases in decarbonising the energy system

                  given that industry may pursue fuel   FIGURE 1 HYDROGEN DEMAND BY REGION
                  switching or technologies that could
                  significantly reduce the demand for
                  CO₂ pipeline capacity. For example,
                  if a major steel plant switched from
                  blast furnaces to electric arc furnaces,
                  or a blue hydrogen production facility
                  were replaced by green hydrogen,
                  CO₂ transport demand would drop
                     Transporting relatively pure CO₂ as
                  either a liquid or a gas is preferable
                  to managing a pipeline flowing a
                  two-phase, less pure mixture. It is
                  preferable to transport CO₂ either in
                  the gas phase at about 35bar or as a   FIGURE 2 WORLD CCS CAPACITY BY REGION
                  dense liquid phase above 100bar. This
                  must be carefully modelled to avoid
                  CO₂ phase changes along the pipeline
                  by ensuring the CO₂ is maintained at
                  optimum pressure and temperature
                     Contaminants and the need to
                  avoid phase change in pipelines
                  transporting CO₂ make metering
                  and monitoring in CO₂ pipelines
                  just as important as for traditional
                  hydrocarbon pipelines.
                     CO₂ flows are unlikely to be steady,
                  so metering and pipeline monitoring
                  will be essential for both single and   FIGURE 3 WORLD HYDROGEN PRODUCTION AS ENERGY CARRIER BY REGION
                  multiphase flows. Further modelling
                  and metering developments are
                  needed to both forecast impacts
                  and adequately monitor operating
                 As opposed to CO₂, which can be
                 considered as a waste stream, hydrogen
                 is a valuable energy carrier and
                 feedstock with a variety of applications.
                 The purity requirements of the end
                 application can have a significant
                 impact on pipeline design parameters.
                 For pipelines that are to be repurposed
                 for hydrogen, the original construction   decarbonised future is often not well   Crucially, these technologies are
                 and maintenance records are required   understood, building these systems and   interconnected. For example, one
                 to avoid detailed and time-consuming   vastly increasing CCS network capacity   cannot predict green hydrogen uptake
                 additional inspections.          will significantly increase the demand   without understanding developments
                   In its pure state, hydrogen has unique   for pipeline expertise.  in renewable sources of power,
                 properties and when combined with                                 and an understanding of CCS is not
                 some impurities the corrosion risks   CONCLUSION                  complete without considering technical
                 can increase dramatically; certain   The world needs to act urgently on   requirements for pipelines transporting
                 impurities, on the other hand, may be   multiple fronts: increasing renewables,   enormous quantities of CO₂.
                 beneficial. Many metallic materials,   further improving energy efficiency, and
                 including steels (especially high-  developing CCS. Existing competitive
                 strength steels), stainless steel, and   technologies, such as solar and wind   References
                 nickel alloys, suffer embrittlement in   power, need to take full advantage of
                 hydrogen gas environments. As we   the virtuous circle where cost decline   1.
                 move through the energy transition,   both causes and is caused by the   Report-2020_FINAL_December11.pdf
                 and both industrial and domestic   growing number of unit installations.   2.
                 consumers convert from methane to   For less mature technologies,
                 hydrogen, both old and new systems   like green hydrogen, scaling from   3.
                 will need to operate side by side.   prototype to a commercially investable
                 Though the role of pipelines in a   level is critical.             4.


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