Page 17 - Gi_August2021
P. 17

Petroleum engineer and consultant Ian Palmer
                                                  explains why carbon capture is the obvious solution
                                                  for oil and gas companies

                                                       ossil fuel causes 73 per cent of   looking at CCS technology is to offset
                                                       global greenhouse gas emissions   the emissions of all the products
                                                       (GHG). Carbon capture and   associated with their businesses –
                                                       storage (CCS) is an escape hatch,   concrete, steel, and paper.
                                                 F or an offset, to be used if there
                                                  are ‘leftover’ GHG emissions. If a   CCS FUTURES FOR US AND EU
                                                  country is on a pathway to reduce GHG   Robert Balch, at New Mexico Tech, has
                                                  to zero by a certain date, but leftover   argued that CCS is the only method
                                                  GHGs are still being emitted at that   that can be scaled up to meet the
                                                  date, an amount equal to the GHG   requirements of the Paris Agreement.
                                                  leftover can be buried using CCS. The   The US has plenty of storage capacity
                                                  concept is called net zero.      just in old oil and gas fields. US now emits
                                                                                   6,000Mt/year of GHG and this entire
                                                  WHAT IS CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE?  amount could be stored for 23 years.
                                                  Carbon capture and storage means   But new pipelines to transport GHG
                                                  collecting GHG (usually CO₂, the   would have to be built or old gas pipelines
                                                  dominant component) and burying   retrofitted. While 45Q tax credits from
                                                  it deep underground. ‘Bury’ means   the US government exist and will help –
                                                  to inject CO₂ down a well where it is   $50/ton of CO₂ injected by CCS, or $35/
                                                  contained by a non-leaking rock layer,   ton if it is used for EOR – cost remains
                                                  and eventually merges chemically   a question and carbon-pricing would
                                                  with the rock. The rock layer can be a   probably have to be mandated.
                                                  depleted oilfield or a saline aquifer.
                                                    The process, called enhanced oil
                                                  recovery (EOR), has been used by the oil   Carbon capture and storage
                                                  and gas industry in the US for decades.   means collecting GHG
                                                  CO₂ is injected at one well to soften up   (usually CO₂, the dominant
                                                  the residual oil that is then produced   component) and burying it
                                                  from a second well along with some
                                                  of the CO₂. The CO₂ is separated and   deep underground. ‘Bury’
                                                  reinjected while the oil is sent to the   means to inject CO₂ down a
                                                  market. Roughly 40 per cent of the   well where it is contained by
                                                  CO₂ eventually stays behind and is   a non-leaking rock layer, and
                                                  locked in the reservoir. The CCS goal is
                                                  compromised to an extent because the   eventually merges chemically
                                                  oil that is produced will later be burned   with the rock. The rock layer
                                                  in cars and trucks and emit more CO₂.   can be a depleted oilfield or a
                                                                                   saline aquifer
                                                  WHY CCS IS A NO-BRAINER
                                                  First, it will be a huge challenge for the
                                                  world to make it even close to true-  Currently, 65 per cent of CCS occurs in
                                                  zero GHG emissions by 2050 (the most   the US, with 10 per cent or so in each of
                                                  common goal) because the world’s fossil   Europe, Australia and the Middle East.
                                                  energy economy and infrastructure are   ExxonMobil is storing 9Mt (million
                                                  gigantic, worth $87 trillion.    tonnes) of CO₂, equivalent to 11 million
                                                    Second, BP has predicted in its   car exhausts, each year. The company
                                                  ‘Rapid’ scenario that oil and gas will   plans to invest $3 billion on 20 new CCS
                                                  still be 36 per cent of total global   facilities – some to bury CO₂ from other
                                                  primary energy by 2050. Presumably,   industries, such as cement or steel plants.
                                                  they also have in mind the manufacture   Occidental Petroleum is building a
                                                  of ubiquitous plastics – for office, car,   direct-air-capture wall of fans in West
                                                  home and clothing – not available via   Texas that will suck in air and separate
                                                  wind and solar. CCS projects will be   the CO₂ for underground injection. They
                                                  needed to offset the CO₂ that comes   envisage a new business that will assist
                                                  from burning this 36 per cent.   other companies to get rid of their CO₂.
                                                    CCS will also be needed for heavy   The EU is in better shape than the
                                                  industries that are difficult to   US in reducing GHG, as Climate Action
                                                  decarbonise, such as cement and   Tracker reveals. Between 1990 and 2018,
                                                  steel-making plants that produce a   the EU decreased GHG emissions by 25
                                                  significant amount of CO₂. One reason   per cent. But in the US, GHG emissions
                                                  Microsoft, Apple and Amazon are   actually increased by four per cent, even


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