Page 22 - Gi_August2021
P. 22
the role in hydrogen in powering industry
nuclear technology will support the Strategic planning will be required to “The need for regulatory levers to
overall delivery of hydrogen’s role in store and transport hydrogen safely and unlock investment and amend the
decarbonising large carbon emitting efficiently. New investment will also Gas Safety (Management) Regulations
industrial sectors. The development of be required in hydrogen production (GS(M)R) will be critical to making
nuclear and hydrogen innovation can facilities, storage tanks and pipelines. quick advances in the development
unlock clean energy technologies to UK investment in electrolyser of a UK hydrogen economy, and
deliver the scale required for supporting production facilities will help to to enable the UK to make early,
the government’s net zero targets. catalyse the UK’s export potential and cumulative contributions to carbon
feed a world demand for hydrogen. emissions reduction.
“IGEM is supportive of the Upgrading existing technologies and “We have high expectations for
recommendations set out in local grid connections will also be the UK Hydrogen Strategy and the
essential in delivering large-scale
Heat and Buildings Strategy, due to be
the report, in particular the call hydrogen production. published imminently. We hope that
to expand the UK’s hydrogen the recommendations presented by
production ambition in the IGEM’S RESPONSE the APPG on Hydrogen are reflected
IGEM has welcomed the All-Party
and the government strategies set out
forthcoming Hydrogen Strategy Parliamentary Group (APPG) on in clear terms, what role hydrogen will
and the need for government Hydrogen’s latest report on the role of play in the energy transition and how
to act quickly to update energy hydrogen in powering industry. it will be achieved.”
IGEM’s Head of Technical Services
regulations and guidance” and Policy said: “IGEM is supportive The report was researched by Connect
of the recommendations set out in and funded by Baxi, Bosch, Cadent, EDF
The government must align the report, in particular the call to Energy, Energy and Utilities Alliance,
hydrogen production pathways expand the UK’s hydrogen production Equinor, Johnson Matthey, National Grid,
with nuclear technology to enhance ambitions in the forthcoming Northern Gas Networks, SGN and Shell.
hydrogen production. This will help Hydrogen Strategy and the need for Read the full report, entitled The role of
achieve low prices from electrolysis in government to act quickly to update hydrogen in powering industry, by visiting
the short and medium term. energy regulations and guidance.
RECOMMENDATIONS The government must align Regulations to allow hydrogen
1 hydrogen production pathways injection in the domestic grid.
The government must continue
This should be further supported
to expand beyond its existing 4 with nuclear technology to
commitments of 5GW production
clear signals of using hydrogen
in the forthcoming Hydrogen Strategy. enhance hydrogen production. through providing the market with
Strategic planning will be required to
This should mirror industry’s ambition store and transport hydrogen safely technology such as mandating the
for hydrogen and support the creation and efficiently. development of hydrogen-ready
of green jobs for the UK economy. boilers and meters by 2025.
A UK-wide hydrogen network
Any forthcoming government to support the transport For hydrogen to expand in
and devolved policies must be 5 sector is required, including the UK, a technology-neutral
2 complementary of the wider a larger scale implementation of 8 approach is required for all
UK low carbon commitments. hydrogen refuelling stations. The types of energy systems. This must
Government departments must work government must develop incentives ensure a level playing field exists
together in creating streamlined, to help shipping and other transport to support hydrogen and maximise
ambitious strategies to support the organisations move away from diesel the complementary technologies in
overall delivery of hydrogen at scale, fuels to hydrogen alternatives. achieving net zero. Carbon contracts
supporting the implementation of for difference will be an important
both blue and green hydrogen. Industrial clusters will be the instrument to reward climate-
key catalyst for driving forward friendly technologies.
The government must commit 6 the UK’s decarbonisation of
to incentivising hydrogen industry with hydrogen and should Significant and long-term
3 production within the UK as be an immediate priority for the financial support is required for
opposed to importing this. This will be government. These clusters can take 9 the development, deployment
key in creating and sustaining green advantage of economies of scale and and operation of hydrogen
jobs across the UK while maximising sharing a common infrastructure. technologies. This must include the
supply chain opportunities and funding available for shovel-ready
supporting the government’s Changes in regulation by the hydrogen projects.
levelling up ambitions. This must be government are required to
supported through the right training, 7 support hydrogen’s role in Ofgem must ensure the
skills, and research to coincide with powering industry. This includes hydrogen market is subject to
the introduction of the emerging blending hydrogen and amending 10 effective competition to drive
hydrogen economy. the Gas Safety Management down prices for consumers.
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