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                 “I was delighted and surprised to win   GD2 price control period,” said Naveen
                 the award as we were up against tough   Panwar, Senior Data Analyst at SGN. “We
                 competition from the other entries,” said   now look forward to fully utilising the
                 Neil Tansley, Asset Modelling Manager at   Copperleaf solution as we move into GD2
                 NGGT, who accepted the award. “I think   to deliver the best investment plan for our
                 the success is largely due to the fact that   business and customers.”
                 we have implemented a full end-to-end
                 investment management solution, with a   Northern Gas Networks (NGN)
                 clear line of sight between business and   delivers gas to 2.7 million homes and
                 regulatory objectives. I look forward to   businesses in the North East, Northern
                 a long and successful partnership with   Cumbria and much of Yorkshire,
                 Copperleaf as we move towards RIIO-3.”  England. With a network comprised
                                                  of 37,000 km of underground gas
                                                  pipes, and associated network
                 Product of the Year Award        infrastructure, in addition to an
                 Asset Investment Planning and    extensive portfolio of non-network
                 Management (AIPM) developed by   assets, NGN was motivated to
                 Copperleaf, submitted in collaboration   implement a best practice asset
                 with Northern Gas Networks, National   management decision support system
                 Grid Gas Transmission, and SGN   to deliver enduring value to its
                 Gas utilities are under increasing pressure   customers and stakeholders.
                 to achieve efficiency in all operations and   “It’s great to see the innovative and
                 to justify how investment in their asset   strategic capability we have developed   About Copperleaf 
                 bases will benefit customers, both today   in partnership with Copperleaf receive
                 and in the future. In this environment,   recognition as the Product of the Year,”   COPPERLEAF PROVIDES
                 it is essential that asset planning and   commented Ian Coates, Asset Strategy   enterprise decision analytics
                 management approaches are optimised   Lead for NGN. “The Copperleaf system   software solutions to companies
                 with smart data modelling and    will support the delivery of enhanced   managing critical infrastructure.
                 consistent understanding of relevant   value for consumers through improved   We leverage operational and
                 information across all teams, from   decision making.”              financial data to empower our
                 investment planning and management,                                 clients to make investment
                 through to portfolio management and   NGGT and Copperleaf worked    decisions that deliver the
                 investment governance.           collaboratively to configure the   highest business value. What
                   The Copperleaf Decision Analytics   Copperleaf solution to NGGT’s needs and   sets us apart is our commitment
                 Solution has enabled several UK   ensure it would live up to the rigours of   to providing extraordinary
                 gas utilities to enhance their AIPM   RIIO-2 and subsequent price controls.  experiences, shaped by people
                 processes. Northern Gas Networks,   “The Asset Investment Planning project   who care deeply, products
                 NGGT, and SGN adopted the Copperleaf   was hugely successful due to the quality   that deliver exceptional value,
                 solution to help them predict and   of the collaboration between Copperleaf   and partnerships that stand
                 monetise asset risks, optimise asset   and NGGT. Implemented using an agile   the test of time. Copperleaf
                 interventions, and manage project   methodology which was new to our   is a patron of The Institute of
                 portfolios across their networks.   organisation, the Copperleaf solution has   Asset Management and actively
                   The Copperleaf solution is a worthy   allowed NGGT to transform and modernise   participates in shaping the
                 winner of the Product of the Year   existing business capabilities as well as   future of asset management
                 award thanks to major enhancements   embed new functions in the planning   standards, including ISO 55000.
                 that support Ofgem’s Network Output   and optimisation space,” added Michael   Headquartered in Vancouver,
                 Measures (NOMs) and Network Asset   Robertson, IT Project Manager, NGGT. “To   Canada, our solutions are
                 Risk Metric (NARMs) calculations for   see the project recognised at the industry   distributed and supported by
                 both gas distribution and transmission.  level is a testament to the quality of   regional staff and partners
                                                  Copperleaf’s product and implementation   worldwide. Together, we are
                 SGN is a gas distribution company   team as well the transformational   transforming how the world
                 serving 5.9 million homes and    capability of National Grid Gas and IT.”  sees value.
                 businesses across Scotland and the
                 south of England.                “It was a great experience working with
                 “When we implemented the Copperleaf   SGN, NGN and National Grid in developing
                 solution in 2018, our main goal was to   the NOMs models in the Copperleaf Suite,
                 integrate multiple risk models into one   and it has provided an excellent platform
                 system to support our regulatory reporting.   on which we can advance the models
                 Copperleaf has helped us achieve that   into RIIO-2 and NARMS.” commented
                 goal and has also allowed us to produce   Demetrius Onoufriou, Director of
                 an effective investment strategy for our   Customer Experience at Copperleaf.

                 COPPERLEAF TECHNOLOGIES • +44 207 786 3502 • WWW . COPPERLEAF . COM


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