Page 24 - Gi_August2021
P. 24
THE WORLD IS CHANGING rapidly Europe, Middle East and Africa. “We are to deliver the highest value for its
and natural gas utilities must manage thrilled to have had the opportunity to customers, today and in the future.
the integrity of their assets while collaborate with them and implement NGGT’s vision was to transform its
delivering the maximum value to the changes that have made a real impact on business by integrating asset strategy,
company. Making the right decisions their businesses.” portfolio planning, investment governance,
on how best to sustain and expand this and investment delivery, within an end-
infrastructure is becoming increasingly Project of the Year to end Asset Investment Planning and
challenging in the face of changing Asset Investment Planning project Management (AIPM) process.
regulations and ever-increasing undertaken by National Grid Gas The implementation of the Copperleaf
budgetary and resource constraints. Transmission Decision Analytics Solution,
Copperleaf, a global leader in decision National Grid Gas Transmission (NGGT) including Copperleaf Portfolio
analytics solutions, was named the winner owns and operates the high pressure and Copperleaf Asset, has enabled NGGT
in two Gas Industry Awards categories: gas transmission network in Great to carry out investment optimisation
Project of the Year and Product of the Britain, including over 7,500 kilometers across its entire project portfolio. It will
Year. Organised by the Institution of of pipe and over 600 above-ground help the company deliver its business
Gas Engineers & Managers (IGEM) and installations. These assets are long- plan as cost-effectively as possible,
Energy & Utilities Alliance, the awards lived, expensive to maintain and repair, contributing to a 4 per cent efficiency on
celebrate outstanding achievements in and widely distributed geographically. capital expenditure, saving £11 million
the gas sector. In preparation for the next regulatory per year. The solution has enabled
“We celebrate these awards with our period, National Grid embarked on a a new process that allows NGGT to
clients and thank them for putting their journey to improve its Asset Investment effectively plan and optimise all work to
trust in Copperleaf,” said Stefan Sadnicki, Planning (AIP) and Project Portfolio meet its strategic safety, regulatory, and
Managing Director of Copperleaf in Management (PPM) capabilities — commercial obligations.
15/07/2021 15:33
CopperleafAdvertorial.indd 1 15/07/2021 15:33
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