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igem news

                 of their customers, at a difficult time,”   across the energy sector. I hope we can   workforce. Technical expertise and
                 said Dallas. Through their extensive   all embrace this challenge,” he said.   safety awareness were two of the
                 use of technology, communication,   “I see it as an enormous opportunity   attributes that enabled the business
                 personnel and around the clock   for this part of the sector to lead   to grow its operations. Now, the firm’s
                 commitment to the community, they   decarbonisation by driving innovation   investments have led to safer working
                 went above and beyond to resolve   that not only reduces our emissions but   conditions, decreased disruption and
                 issues for over 26,000 customers.  also keeps down customer bills.   minimised project emissions, helping
                   It was then time to hear from    “The Ofgem board and I know how   to set new standards.
                 keynote speaker Jonathan Brearley,   much work goes into maintaining a   The final award of the day was
                 Chief Executive Officer at Ofgem. He   world class system, but also in terms   the Lifetime Achievement Award,
                 said: “I want to start off by saying how   of innovating for the future - so it’s   which recognises individuals whose
                 incredibly personally proud I am of the   fantastic to see so much of that hard   outstanding performance and sustained
                 industry as a whole, but particularly   work recognised at these awards today,”   commitment to excellence throughout
                 of the work that all of you have done   he concluded.             their careers have made a significant
                 within it, and never more so than the   Next up was the Product of the   contribution to the success of the
                 last year that we’ve had. I know many   Year award, sponsored by Morrison   organisations they work for and the
                 of you that have been dialing in today   Energy Services. Again, two winners   gas sector in general. The winner of
                 have gone absolutely above and beyond   were selected: C55 Asset Investment   this award was David Lander, of David
                 the call of duty.”               Planning & Management, developed   Lander Consulting, who has been, and
                   Later, he added: “We don’t say it   by Copperleaf Technologies in   continues to be, a key advocate of, and
                 enough; you are not as recognised as   collaboration with Northern Gas   contributor to, the gas industry.
                 you should be – as a big part of the   Networks, National Grid Transmission    “Widely recognised as independent
                 way that this country has gone so far   and SGN; and Mechanical Purge   and freethinking, David has supported
                 through the Covid crisis.”       End Fitting, developed by Plasson in   almost every aspect of gas quality in
                   He went on to discuss the future of   collaboration with Cadent and ROSEN.  some shape or form with integrity and
                 the industry – both immediate and   The winner of the Innovation   enthusiasm. As such, on behalf of the
                 in the long-term – and in terms of   Award, sponsored by SGN, was Baxi   industry we believe he richly deserves
                 net zero, noting that he believes that   Heating for its development of a pure   a lifetime achievement award,” said
                 meeting climate goals are equally as   hydrogen boiler. Meanwhile, Danny   Dallas when announcing the award.
                 fundamental to making sure customers   O’Malley, of SGN Natural Gas, was   Closing the ceremony was IGEM’s
                 are looked after today.          recognised for his three decades of   President Elect Ben Clarke, who
                   Jonathan spoke positively about both   management and leadership when he   offered his congratulations to all the
                 the future and current developments,   was announced as the winner of the   finalists, saying “we are fortunate to be
                 saying that there are some very exciting   2021 Leadership Award.   working with such inspiring, talented,
                 developments in both government and   The Company of the Year award was   and innovative individuals and
                 Ofgem as a regulator, and relied on   sponsored by Towngas and went to ULC   organisations.”
                 examples such as the H100 Project in   Robotics, which has collaborated with
                 Fife to show this.               many of the other award nominees. The    If you missed it, you can still view the
                   “All I would say as a regulator is that   company’s submission demonstrated   ceremony via the IGEM YouTube page by
                 net zero is a huge challenge for all of us   its commitment to growing a diverse   visiting


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