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igem news


                 ENGINEERING HEROES

                 As part of this year’s International Women in Engineering Day,    stayed up all night to commission the
                 the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) has announced its           back-up power supply to the impressive
                                                                                   new building.
                 Top 50 Women in Engineering list, including one of our very         She then worked in aviation,
                 own members. The annual #INWED21 celebration showcases            supporting the commissioning and
                 the “the best, brightest, bravest women in engineering, who       operational readiness of Terminal 2 at
                                                                                   Heathrow Airport, also known as the
                 recognise a problem, then dare to be part of the solution”        Queen’s Terminal.
                                                                                     After this, keen to move to the
                                                  managing a 15,000+ mile underground   West Midlands to be closer to her
                                                  gas distribution network, running from   family, she found a position as
                                                  North Staffordshire to Herefordshire   Head of Innovation at Cadent. This
                                                  and from the M1 to the Welsh border.   enabled her to apply her passion for
                                                    “I’m thrilled and honoured to be   sustainability to help transition the
                                                  among such company,” said Kate.   gas industry away from fossil gas into
                                                  “There can be no better feeling than   a ‘net zero’ era, using hydrogen.
                                                  being acknowledged by your peers for   Kate’s chance meeting at a
                                                  doing something you really care about   conference with a very like-minded
                                                  and love doing.”                 Keele University colleague led to what
                                                    The head of Cadent’s Eastern Network   has now become the first UK trial of
                                                  Investment Planning Office, Monisha   injecting hydrogen into an existing
                                                  Gower, was among a further 50 women   gas network, the 130 buildings on the
                                                  named in a highly commended list.  Staffordshire campus.
                                                    Kate’s journey to her current home   This project, called HyDeploy, has
                                                  near Leamington Spa began in South   become a blueprint for a wide roll-
                                                  Africa, where she spent the first 25   out of hydrogen to help heat homes
                                                  years of her life. Her passion for   across the UK, which will stop millions
                                                  engineering and shaping the world   of tonnes of carbon polluting the
                                                  around us has its roots in her first job,   atmosphere.
                                                  as part of a team building a power   Kate, 38, was appointed Network
                                          KATIE GRANT  station on the coast near Cape Town.  Director for Cadent’s West Midlands
                                                    “Every day I was working next to a   Network last year. A STEM ambassador,
                 IGEM CHARTERED MEMBER Kate       beautiful beach. I realised then that, as   she has two pieces of advice for
                 Grant, Director of West Midlands   engineers, we have a responsibility to   anyone thinking about a career in
                 Network at Cadent, has been      act in a conscious way to protect our   science, technology, engineering or
                 named one of the Top 50 Women    environment. We are at the interface   mathematics: “Achieving anything in
                 in Engineering by the Women’s    between science and nature. It was my   life is not done independently; it is so
                 Engineering Society (WES).       lightbulb moment and something that’s   important to surround yourself with
                   IGEM is delighted to share the winners   driven me to this day.”  a network of support – family, friends,
                 of the Top 50 Women in Engineering:   Kate completed a Master’s   work colleagues. You also need to
                 Engineering Heroes awards. Now in   in Engineering for Sustainable   learn flexibility and resilience – our
                 its sixth year, the 2021 WE50, judged   Development at Cambridge – the third   profession is continually evolving,
                 by a panel of leading industry experts,   generation of her family to study at   and you need to keep broadening your
                 celebrates women who have made a   the same college, following in the   knowledge, so that you’re ready for
                 significant contribution to helping their   footsteps of her grandfather, a lawyer,   what’s coming next.”
                 organisation, community or indeed the   and her father, a doctor. Her thesis   Head Judge, Professor Catherine
                 world functioning during the last year.  focused on decarbonising the energy   Noakes said of the WES50 awards:
                   Even in the current climate, the   sector in South Africa.      “2020 was a year unlike any other and
                 number and standard of nominations   As an electrical research engineer,   remarkable times call for remarkable
                 was high, emphasising the        she designed and delivered one of   people. That is why, in 2021, the Top
                 exceptional achievements made by   the first customer-led electric vehicle   50 Women in Engineering Awards
                 women in this field.             charging trials in the UK. Kate worked   celebrate the engineering heroes who
                   West Midlands Director Kate, a   on the construction and maintenance   have responded to the challenges of an
                 champion of renewable technologies   of venues during the Olympic Games   ever-changing world, from healthcare
                 and finding solutions to the climate   in London, managing to watch Team   and climate change to infrastructure
                 change crisis, leads the Cadent team   GB win gold in the velodrome having   and championing diversity, with


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