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                 be on your case if you get it wrong   Grid Gas Transmission, then took to the   University, with her presentation on
                 actively contributing to this panel”,   virtual stage to give his presentation on   CO in small communities. Referring to
                 referring to HSE and Gas Safe Register.   updating the safety case for hydrogen   various studies, Julie told how she and
                 He gave attendees a brief history   in gas transmission. Antony began   her team are working with hard-to-
                 of why G/11 exists, the legislation   by discussing the safety case review   reach and hard-to-help communities
                 behind it, and how it has evolved. He   for hydrogen, also emphasising the   that can be very vulnerable to CO. She
                 emphasised that G/11 is a guidance   importance of collaboration here, and   provided an interesting look into her
                 document, not what he described as   then gave an overview of the HyNTS   work and said she will hopefully have
                 a “paint by numbers” guide. Covering   Future Grid project and its phases. He   results to share soon.
                 the new updates, including those to   also spoke about building the evidence   Finally, closing the carbon
                 RIDDOR, he added: “This is an aid to   base, who would be involved in this   monoxide stream, Stephanie Trotter
                 complying with legislation you should   work and the anticipated timeline for   OBE, President & Director of CO-Gas
                 already be aware of.”            informing the safety case.       Safety, gave a detailed presentation
                   Session Two was split into two streams:   Then, concluding the session,   looking at why testing for CO matters.
                 one focusing on gas network safety and   attendees heard from Heidi Genoni,   Stephanie gave an overview of her
                 the other focused on carbon monoxide.   Hy4Heat Programme and Project   career background, telling the story of
                   The former was chaired by      Manager, and Arup Associate Albert   how she got into CO. She then explored
                 Peter Close, Director of Safety and   Law. The pair gave an update on the   the various elements of the subject of
                 Sustainability at Cadent and Board   government-funded programme to   CO testing, including ways to prevent
                 Director of GISG. He began by saying   establish the potential for hydrogen   deaths and injuries.
                 that he was proud of the industry, but   to safety and conveniently replace   The third and final session of the day,
                 that it was imperative that we “continue   natural gas in residential and   chaired by IGEM’s Head of Development
                 to deliver the highest levels of safety”.   commercial buildings. In this, Heidi   and Knowledge Delivery Simon Trollope,
                   Kicking off the session was Stuart   and Albert discussed the challenge   focused on best practice.
                 Hawksworth, of HSE, who spoke about   of UK energy demand and the safety   Speaking first in this session was
                 hydrogen safety for UK gas networks.   assessment objectives and scopes, also   Dr Stuart Hill, CoMAH & Assurance
                 In his presentation, Stuart covered the   informing delegates where the project   Manager at National Grid Grain LNG,
                 context and background of hydrogen   is currently at.             who spoke about breaking safety
                 and how the industry can anticipate   The dedicated carbon monoxide   records and the ‘chronic unease’ that
                 change and challenges in future – by   stream was chaired by Chris Bielby,   drives improvement. His presentation
                 looking at what has been done and   Chair of Gas Safety Trust and GISG.   was based on the work that won the
                 what will be done, creating an evidence   During this session, delegates heard   Safety Award at the Gas Industry
                 base and controlling risks.      from Laura Fatah, Policy Manager for   Awards two years ago.
                   The programme then moved to    Carbon Monoxide at Policy Connect,   Next up was Richard
                 focus on the gas networks. Speaking   who gave an update on the CO Alarms   Broome, Managing Director of
                 first was Sikander Mahmood, Future   Enquiry, the progress made so far, how   LinesearchbeforeUdig, who presented
                 Networks Project Manager at Cadent,   today’s position has been achieved and   on redirecting damages to the gas
                 who provided insight into the HyDeploy   what is next for both the enquiry and   network through collaboration.
                 project. Sikander offered an overview   the All-Party Parliamentary Carbon   Emphasising the recurring theme of the
                 of the project, a look at the timeline   Monoxide Group (APPCOG).  day – collaboration – Richard used his
                 and safety case and concluded with an   Hilary Wareing, Director of   presentation slot to offer an overview
                 insight into what is next for the project.   Improving Performance in Practice   of the LinesearchbeforeUdig service,
                   Attendees then heard from Mark   (iPiP), then gave an insightful   explaining who they are and how the
                 Danter, Senior Project Manager of the   presentation about CO exposure in   service works, the benefits of knowing
                 H21 project at Northern Gas Networks.   pregnant women and its effects on the   exactly where pipelines lie under the
                 Mark gave an overview of the NGN   unborn child. In this presentation,   ground and leaning on case studies to
                 safety evidence and covered each phase   Hilary discussed what is currently   support his arguments. He also took
                 of the H21 project in the timeline. Plans   known about CO exposure, why there   the opportunity to refer to the service’s
                 for Phase 3 and a village trial by 2024   is cause for concern and the scale of   collaboration with SGN.
                 are next on the agenda, he said. In his   the problem. She finished with a call   The final speaker of the day was
                 presentation, Mark also emphasised   to action, saying we need a better   Rob Graham, Chief Executive Officer
                 the importance of collaboration in   understanding of this issue.  of QEM Solutions, who closed the
                 delivering a project of this scale.   Beth Cheshire, a PhD student at   conference with a presentation looking
                   Speaking next were SGN’s Nancy   the Faculty of Health and Medicine’s   at digitalising the safe control of
                 Thomson, Energy Futures Project   Centre4Ageing at Lancaster      operations process. Rob began by noting
                 Manager, and Stephen Tomlinson,   University, then presented on the   that he is personally “very excited about
                 Energy Futures Project Manager   neuropsychological effect of chronic   what’s happening in the industry”
                 with their presentation: ‘Hydrogen   low-level carbon monoxide exposure in   regarding digitalisation and discussed
                 Transition: How we are transforming   older adults. Her presentation provided   the current challenges in this area. He
                 the safety case’. Focusing on the H100   the background to the research and   also emphasised that, although safety
                 Fife and LTS project futures, Nancy and   then went on to discuss the critique   always trumps cost, digitalisation both
                 Stephen provided overviews of each   and initial findings from the study and,   improves safety and reduces costs.
                 project and gave an insight into what   finally, what the next steps are.
                 the future could look like for each one.   Taking to the stage next was Dr Julie    If you missed the Safety Conference,
                   Antony Green, Project Director for   Connolly, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty   recordings of all the sessions, including the
                 Hydrogen Transportation at National   of Health at Liverpool John Moore’s   Q&As, are now available to view on IGEMtv.


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