Page 35 - Gi_August2021
P. 35

igem news

                  IGEM WELCOMES NEW CEO                                           look to our future with excitement;

                                                                                  working with our membership,
                                                                                  central and devolved governments,
                                      THE AGM      as an advocate of the gas sector and its   wider organisations and our
                                      WAS ONE of   role in the whole energy system for   colleagues overseas to transform
                                      Neil         decarbonising buildings, industry,   into a net zero gas system in an
                                      Atkinson’s   transport and power generation to   increasingly integrated gas and
                                      last acts as   meet the UK climate change targets.  electricity market.
                                      IGEM CEO      He brings with him a wealth of   “This next decade will see a rapid
                                      as he        experience in this area, plus extensive   pace of change as we connect more
                                      decided to   knowledge of the gas industry and the   biomethane and flexible generation
                                      step down    challenges it faces as the UK   capacity; develop accelerated
                   from the role earlier this year.   transitions to hydrogen and   hydrogen demonstrator networks;
                   Following a careful search, the   biomethane sources.          work to provide pioneer pipelines
                   institution is pleased to announce the   Oliver said: “It is an incredible   with industry and firm power
                   appointment of Oliver Lancaster as its   honour to be appointed as CEO of   generation in their fuel switching
                   new Chief Executive Officer. Oliver   IGEM – an institution rich in the   process; advance wider network
                   joins the institution from Wales &   history of energy. From the earliest   conversion plans for hydrogen and
                   West Utilities where he has worked   days of the gas industry – with   hybrid home heating; and provide
                   since 2009, most recently as Net Zero   William Murdoch producing and   transport refuelling infrastructure
                   Relationship Manager.           using gas in Redruth and Frederick   for road and rail, as well as green
                    Oliver is an IGEM Fellow and an   Windsor introducing gas distribution   ships and planes.
                   Engineering Technician member. He   in London – our sector has risen to   “With gas evidently key to achieving
                   is also a Fellow of the Geological   challenges and innovated its way over   on our climate change commitment,
                   Society. He joins IGEM at an exciting   the last 200+ years.   I look forward to working with you all
                   time in its history as it positions itself   “As we learn from the past, we can   on this journey.”

                   MY YEAR AHEAD                   over the last three years. Neil has been   that be through the development and
                                                                                  training of net zero skills, or even
                                                   instrumental in driving through
                                                   several key changes, all of which have   directly through the benevolent fund in
                   New President Ben Clarke        greatly benefited our institution, but if   cases where our members have been hit
                                                                                  harder by the pandemic.
                                                   I could just highlight two in particular:
                   addresses the AGM in his        the governance changes and also the   Finally, we need to inspire the next
                   inaugural address               digital delivery programme were both   generation and encourage a younger
                                                   critical in enabling IGEM to pivot and   and more diverse workforce to join
                                      LET ME       manage our response to the pandemic   our industry. I currently chair the
                                      START by     last year and we have heard the   Scholarship, Grants and Awards
                                      saying that it   positive results of that today. Clearly,   Committee and it is an absolute
                                      is an        the pandemic is not over. However, the   pleasure to meet with and support
                                      absolute     efforts of Neil and the team mean that   the young engineers and technicians
                                      honour to be   we are in an extremely strong position   looking to progress their studies and
                                      elected to   to face this challenge going forward.   careers and we should look for more
                                      serve as     Thank you, Neil, you will be missed.  opportunities to do this. Regardless
                                      IGEM’s        As for my own aspirations for the   of what the final decarbonisation
                   President. To paraphrase Duncan, we   coming year, you may have noticed   picture looks like, the scale of the
                   stand at the juncture of enormous   the theme “engineering a sustainable   challenge means industry needs
                   changes within the energy industry,   gas future” on recent IGEM messaging   more engineers, more technicians -
                   and this will form the basis of my   and this reflects my own passion and   and we at IGEM must do our part.
                   ambitions for this year.        focus for the year ahead.      To finish; a few years ago, then
                    Before looking too far ahead,   Firstly, we must continue to support   President Antony Green issued a call
                   however, I would like to first thank   the profession to tackle the   to arms – for IGEM to help drive the
                   Duncan for his extremely successful   decarbonisation agenda by developing   energy transition. Two years on, I
                   year in office. It has been a challenging   tools such as the Hydrogen Knowledge   believe we have responded and IGEM
                   year for our members and Duncan has   Centre and our updated technical   has taken great strides in pushing
                   done an outstanding job in helping to   standards. We must also not forget   forward the hydrogen agenda.
                   guide our institution through the   that as critical as hydrogen will be,   However, we are still only in the early
                   pandemic; not an easy feat, especially   biomethane and hybrid solutions will   foothills of this change, and we must
                   given the time difference.      also have a significant role to play in   go further and faster if we are to
                    We also say goodbye to Neil    any sustainable future.        successfully engineer a sustainable
                   Atkinson, our CEO. I would like to   Secondly, during this time of change,   gas future. I look forward to working
                   personally thank Neil for all his work   we must support our members, whether   with all of you to make that happen.


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