Page 2 - Gi_October2021
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Proximity Over 50m
0m - 3m 3m - 50m 39.22%
Fisher German invests over £1 million in
new technologies every year.
We are committed to innovation and
sustained investment in new technology
to deliver forward-thinking services to
our clients.
Contour is an innovative new platform connecting ‘in field’
and office based teams digitally for site work allocation, data
capture and realtime reporting.
Richard Broome
Head of Pipeline Management
& Maintenance
07918 628986
Contact our Utilities & Infrastructure
Services team for more information
You can stay connected with us on: /FisherGermanLLP /company/fisher-german-llp @FisherGerman /fishergermanllp/
16/09/2021 10:55
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