Page 3 - Gi_October2021
P. 3
YOUR LETTERS this been actioned? EDITOR’S LETTER
The Grenfell report was also
very interesting to us. Surely all THE RELEASE OF the
FOOD FOR THOUGHT flats, high rise or not, should government’s long-awaited
WE WOULD LIKE to have an easy to identify gas Hydrogen Strategy means
congratulate you and all those supply in the road that can be that the transition to a
who worked on and contributed quickly stopped, perhaps in cleaner, greener fuel for UK
to the September edition of Gi. several places in the street? If homes, business and
It was full of interesting and fire prevents access, surely large industry is now officially
varied features. areas must have the gas cut off? underway. Building on
For independent registered Maybe HSE and government commitments laid out in the government’s 10-point
charity CO-Gas Safety, the report should phase consider phasing green industrial revolution plan, the new strategy sets
about the gas safety and repairs gas out for all flats? We are not out how the UK will meet its ambition for 5GW of low
issue highlighted by the Housing gas experts, but on behalf of carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030. It is
Ombudsman is a vital issue. Is survivors, families and hoped that as much as 35 per cent of the UK’s energy
the gas community aware that consumers, surely this should consumption could be hydrogen-based by 2050.
although many Registered Gas be looked into and dealt with It’s an exciting time to work in gas, which is why
Engineers do test for carbon quickly, particularly with this month’s edition of Gi is examining some of the
monoxide as part of a landlord’s hydrogen on the horizon? ground-breaking innovation work taking place
gas safety check, they are not across the gas industry, starting with a look at some
required to by the otherwise very Stephanie Trotter OBE, President of the work DNV is doing to support hydrogen in the
specific gas regulations? There is & Director of CO-Gas Safety maritime sector. We’re also finding out how digital
huge support for this small transformation is helping gas businesses to work
change/clarification, including Editor’s response: Thank you very more effectively and efficiently in the 21st century.
from the All-Party Parliamentary much for your kind words. We We hope you enjoy the October edition,
Carbon Monoxide Group, IGEM, hope to address many of the
the Dominic Rodgers Trust, the issues you have raised here in
Katie Haines Memorial Trust, the future editions of Gi, especially
National Landlords’ Association, the work currently being
GISG, Gas Safety Trust, consumer undertaken by the government
campaigner Frank Brehany and and industry to ensure the future SHARON BAKER-HALLAM
Pimlico Plumbers. So why hasn’t safety of UK buildings. EDITOR, BA (HONS) AIGEM
Head of Section - Research and Regional Director UK & Ireland,
AMISH SABHARWAL Innovation UK & Ireland, Energy Systems, DNV
Executive Vice President, Industrial Energy Systems, DNV Hari Vamadevan is a Senior Vice
Engineering Business Unit, AVEVA Dan is a Chartered Physicist with President and Regional Director
Amish has 25 years of experience over 12 years of experience in major of DNV’s Energy Systems UK and
globally within the energy, chemicals hazard research at DNV’s Spadeadam Ireland operations. He leads a
and power industries. Over the past Testing and Research Centre. He 700-strong energy team with a focus
20 years, he has focused on delivering specialises in large-scale major hazard on safety, efficiency, innovation, and
digital transformation outcomes for studies designed to enhance industry digitalisation. In particular, Hari is
owner operators, EPC and suppliers knowledge. He is currently leading focused on balancing the short-term
by leveraging technology to create experimental research programmes challenges of cost and production
value-added opportunities to their related to the safety aspects of efficiency versus the long-term
business processes. hydrogen as an energy carrier. challenges of an energy transition to
a deep decarbonised future.
It’s time
for a new
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