Page 8 - Gi_October2021
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industry & Government news


                 GAS IN FIRST THREE MONTHS OF 2021

                                                                                          AS DOMESTIC PRODUCTION SLOWS, THE UK IS BECOMING
                                                                                             INCREASINGLY DEPENDENT ON OTHER COUNTRIES

                 THE UK IMPORTED more than half its   “Oil and gas provided nearly three   She said that fuel tax breaks for the
                 gas supply in the first three months of   quarters of the UK’s total energy last year.  aviation sector artificially kept prices
                 the year, the industry has said.   “We will continue to rely on them to   low and stimulated demand.
                   Oil and Gas UK’s (OGUK) annual   heat our homes, keep our lights on and   She added: “We’re definitely going
                 economic report said 56 per cent of   create many of our everyday essentials.  to need to develop our renewable
                 the requirement for homes and power   “We all know that change is needed   energy potential - luckily Scotland has
                 stations between January and March   so the question is how fast we make that   enormous potential in this area.
                 came from abroad.                change. This report shows the reality   “We do need to phase out oil and gas.
                   The industry said that was down to a   that cutting off the domestic production   The plan is to have a just transition.”
                 rise in demand coupled with a drop in   of oil and gas faster than we can reduce   The UK government is still to decide
                 UK production due to the pandemic.  demand risks leaving us increasingly   whether to give the go-ahead to the
                   Scottish Green Party Co-leader Lorna   dependent on other countries.”  new Cambo oil field development with
                 Slater told BBC Scotland it was time to   The report said the industry was   pressure growing from climate change
                 turn to sustainable energy sources.  ready to invest £21 billion over the   campaigners for it to be refused.
                   Ms Slater, who was recently    next five years into exploration and   Sir Ian Wood, former Chairman of the
                 appointed as a junior minister in Nicola   production.            oil services firm Wood Group, said that
                 Sturgeon’s government, said oil and gas   It also said the oil and gas sector   Cambo needed to be given the green
                 needed to be “phased out”.       supported almost 200,000 UK jobs in 2021.  light so an energy transition could be
                   It comes as OGUK said the UK faced   But Ms Slater told the BBC’s Good   carried out in an orderly way.
                 the choice of investing in its offshore   Morning Scotland programme: “Current   The Scottish government has
                 industry for a managed green transition   models of oil and gas demand neglect   previously described its climate
                 or relying on other countries for its   to look at how oil and gas demand   change legislation as “world leading.”
                 energy needs.                    is manipulated through tax breaks,   It includes a target to reach net zero
                   Chief Executive Deirdre Michie said:   through direct subsidies.”  emissions by 2045.


                                                    SEVERAL UK ENERGY suppliers have   early 2019 owing to a surge in global
                                                    said they will raise the price of their   gas market prices. The regulator said
                                                    standard gas and electricity tariffs to   that for 11 million households who
                                                    the maximum limit set by the energy   pay by direct debit, energy bills would
                                                    regulator for the coming winter.  increase from an average of £1,138 a
                                    WHOLESALE GAS PRICES ARE   Ofgem’s price cap will climb to its   year to £1,277 from October.
                                      LEADING TO HIGHER BILLS  highest level since it was introduced in   For another four million households


                                                                                                                  15/09/2021   12:19
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