Page 13 - Gi_October2021
P. 13

The UK gas industry responds to the long-awaited
                                                  release of the UK Hydrogen Strategy

                                                        uilding on the commitments   into two main sects – green, which is
                                                        made in the Prime          made using water and renewable energy,
                                                        Minister’s 10-Point Plan for a   and blue, which comes from natural
                                                        Green Industrial Revolution, the   gas, with carbon capture and storage
                                                 B UK Hydrogen Strategy sets out   (CCS) used to deal with emissions –
                                                  the government’s ambition to create a   with much debate in the sector around
                                                  thriving low carbon hydrogen sector,   which should be prioritised.
                                                  with analysis suggesting that a third of   Ministers have also pledged to work
                                                  the UK’s energy consumption could be   with industry to develop a “UK standard
                                                  hydrogen-based by 2050.          for low carbon hydrogen” in order to
                                                    The government has pledged to   give certainty to producers.
                                                  support the advancement of both green
                                                  and blue hydrogen as part of plans to
                                                  create a “thriving” low carbon sector.   “Today marks the start of the
                                                  This will be underpinned by a hydrogen  UK’s hydrogen revolution.
                                                  sector development action plan, due to   This home-grown clean energy
                                                  be launched in early 2022, which will   source has the potential to
                                                  set out support for companies to secure
                                                  supply chain opportunities, skills and   transform the way we power
                                                  jobs in the industry.            our lives and will be essential
                                                    The strategy sets out how      to tackling climate change and
                                                  government will work with industry   reaching net zero”
                                                  to meet its ambition for five gigawatts
                                                  (GW) of low carbon hydrogen
                                                  production capacity by 2030.       To support the development of
                                                    According to Westminster, a    necessary networks and storage
                                                  “booming” hydrogen economy could be   infrastructure, a review into the current
                                                  worth £900 million to the UK and create   arrangements will be carried out.
                                                  more than 9,000 “high-quality jobs” in   To drive uptake of the fuel, the
                                                  the coming years.                “safety, technical feasibility, and cost
                                                    And those figures could rise to £13   effectiveness” of mixing 20 per cent
                                                  billion and 100,000 jobs by 2050.  hydrogen into the existing gas supply
                                                    Hydrogen provides a means for   will be assessed.
                                                  decarbonising energy-intensive, hard-  It’s claimed that doing so could deliver
                                                  to-abate sectors such as chemicals, oil   a seven per cent emissions reduction.
                                                  refineries, power and heavy transport,   The hydrogen policy is designed
                                                  such as shipping, HGV lorries and trains.  to replicate the UK’s “previous success”
                                                    Government analysis suggests that   with offshore wind by coupling early
                                                  20 to 35 per cent of the UK’s energy   government action with private sector
                                                  consumption could be hydrogen-based   backing. As such, Westminster has
                                                  by the middle of the century.    launched a public consultation on a
                                                    Kwasi Kwarteng, Westminster’s   preferred hydrogen business model,
                                                  Business & Energy Secretary, said:   influenced by the existing Contract for
                                                  “Today marks the start of the UK’s   Difference (CfD) scheme.
                                                  hydrogen revolution. This home-grown   It would aim to “overcome the cost
                                                  clean energy source has the potential to   gap” between low carbon hydrogen
                                                  transform the way we power our lives   and fossil fuels, helping the price of the
                                                  and will be essential to tackling climate   former to fall quickly.
                                                  change and reaching net zero.      Alongside this, ministers are
                                                    “With the potential to provide   consulting on the design of a £240
                                                  a third of the UK’s energy in the   million Net Zero Hydrogen Fund,
                                                  future, our strategy positions the UK   which aims to support the commercial
                                                  as first in the global race to ramp   deployment of new hydrogen
                                                  up hydrogen technology and seize   production plants across the UK.
                                                  the thousands of jobs and private
                                                  investment that come with it.”   THE INDUSTRY RESPONDS
                                                    Measures laid out in the Hydrogen   National Grid’s Hydrogen Director
                                                  Strategy include a commitment to   Antony Green said: “The transition to
                                                  develop a “twin track” approach to   a green economy will require a mix
                                                  support multiple technologies, including   of technologies and hydrogen will
                                                  green and blue hydrogen production.  play a vital role. This strategy signals
                                                    Low carbon hydrogen is separated   the UK’s commitment to hydrogen


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