Page 11 - Gi_October2021
P. 11
international news
more onshore, represents a setback for document posted online.
Democratic President Joe Biden’s plans The sale is roughly the same size
to fight climate change, which included as offshore sales held by the Trump
a campaign vow to end new federal oil administration, which downplayed
and gas leasing. the threats from global warming and
Biden paused drilling auctions sought to maximize domestic fossil
after taking office in January pending fuel production.
an analysis of their impacts on the In the document, known as a Record
environment and value to taxpayers. That of Decision, the administration said
review is ongoing, officials have said. a United Nations report that warned
BIDEN PAUSED DRILLING In June, however, a federal judge earlier this month that climate change
AUCTIONS AFTER TAKING OFFICE in Louisiana ordered a resumption of was dangerously close to spiralling
auctions, saying the government was out of control “does not present
THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION has required by law to offer acreage to the sufficient cause” to revise an existing
announced plans to open millions of oil and gas industry. environmental analysis of the offshore
acres for oil and gas exploration as The US Interior Department said lease sale, which was conducted by the
the White House seeks to comply with it would offer almost all available, Trump administration.
a court order requiring it to resume unleased blocks in a more than 90 The document said, however, that
lease auctions. million acre area in the Gulf of Mexico. “additional analysis of climate change
Reuters reports that the move, which The sale could ultimately result in may be a significant consideration
includes some 80 million acres of production of up to 1.1 billion barrels in the Department’s decisions
water in the Gulf of Mexico along with of crude oil and 4.4 trillion cubic feet regarding oil and gas leasing programs
potentially hundreds of thousands of natural gas, according to a sale in the future.”
THE CANADIAN PROVINCE of technically and economically feasible
British Columbia could become home to convert diesel-powered switcher
to a brand-new hydrogen electric locomotives to hydrogen fuel cell-
locomotive, reports H2 View. based power systems.
This is hoped to be achieved as “The introduction of a hydrogen
part of a new agreement between infrastructure into railyards reduces
Loop Energy and Hydrogen in Motion air contaminants and greenhouse
(H2M) who have announced a project gases and brings clean technologies,
to convert a diesel electric locomotive job growth and innovation to local
to hydrogen. communities.”
The companies will utilise Loop George Rubin, Chief Commercial
Energy’s 50kW eFlow fuel cell system Officer of Loop Energy, said, “As a
in addition to a low-pressure solid- Vancouver-based company, we’re
state hydrogen storage tank that has passionate about joining forces
been developed by H2M. with like-minded organisations
This is regarded as the first time that on practical, sustainable mobility
Loop Energy will supply its products solutions in support of a clean energy
for use in a rail transport application. THE PROJECT WILL CONVERT A DIESEL future for the Canadian economy.
H2M will additionally work with “This is a monumental step in
the University of British Columbia this retrofit, SRY will be able to transfer making zero-emissions rail transport
Okanagan School of Engineering this technology to other rail carriers. a reality, through a safe and compact
(UBCO) and Southern Railway of This could help accelerate the on-board hydrogen storage solution.
British Columbia (SRY) to compare adoption of hydrogen in railway “Combined with Loop Energy’s
hydrogen electric powertrain networks promoting clean solutions. fuel efficient and power dense 50kW
performance characteristics and Grace Quan, CEO of Hydrogen in fuel cell module, we’re delivering a
operational functionality with Motion, said, “This is an exciting stronger, more efficient locomotive
previous diesel electric variants. phase for the hydrogen fuel cell model by harnessing the power of
With the successful demonstration of industry as this proves that it is hydrogen and battery electric.”
15/09/2021 12:19
News.indd 6
News.indd 6 15/09/2021 12:19