Page 10 - Gi_October2021
P. 10
management & education news
NEARLY HALF OF UK workers want five (80 per cent) said they would like
to make the move to home working to keep the ability to occasionally work
permanent, a poll has found, with cost from home, while just one in five (20
savings cited as being more important per cent) workers said they would be
than extra flexibility. reluctant to see the end of permanent
The survey of 3,000 professionals, office-based roles.
conducted by RADA Business, found 45 Charlie Walker-Wise, Tutor and
per cent were either very or extremely Services Director at RADA Business, said
interested in making remote working a it was clear that there were numerous
permanent feature post-pandemic, with benefits to working from home.
younger workers particularly in favour Businesses have already had to MANY WORKERS ARE KEEN TO
of the change. change the way they communicate KEEP WORKING FROM HOME
More than three in five (61 per cent) with their workforce to mitigate the
16 to 24-year-olds and half (51 per cent) loss of face to face, Walker-Wise money (54 per cent) and because it was
of 25 to 34-year-olds polled said they added. “As long as we adjust to this more flexible (50 per cent).
wanted some form of home working setting effectively and adapt our Other benefits cited by respondents
to continue permanently – although communication styles, then we can included the ability to spend more time
just nine per cent said they wanted to still successfully work with others both with their family (42 per cent), while
continue working from home full time. virtually or in-person. 35 per cent said that they were better
In comparison, those aged between “The next challenge will be rested, 25 per cent had healthier habits,
35 to 44 were most likely to say they navigating hybrid working, partly from and 20 per cent felt more productive.
wanted to continue working from home home and partly from the office, and In the three months from March
full time, with nearly one in five (18 supporting employees to find the right 2020, at the start of the first national
per cent) saying they were interested in communication method and style for lockdown, 68 per cent of those polled
fully home working. different settings.” who were able to work from home were
Across the board – including those Respondents said they preferred working from home, including 41 per
who did not want to see home working working from home because it allowed cent who were working from home on a
made a permanent feature – four in them to save time (58 per cent), save full-time basis.
DISADVANTAGED YOUNG PEOPLE marginalised backgrounds and those
have been ‘overlooked’ in the furthest from the labour market.
government’s Plan for Jobs and more With at least half a million young
needs to be done to help them find people leaving full-time education
work or access education or training, this summer, we cannot afford to
the Prime Minister has been told. assume a youth employment recovery,
In a letter to Boris Johnson, the as the situation for young people
Youth Employment Group says the experiencing disadvantages remains
government should ensure there is ONE IN EIGHT YOUNG PEOPLE precarious and uncertain.”
an education place, apprenticeship EDUCATION OR TRAINING The letter was signed by 89
or job offer available to all young education or training in April to June employment experts from across the
people leaving school, college or 2021 was estimated at 9.3 per cent, private and public sectors including
university in order to avoid a youth which is a record low, according to the Recruitment and Employment
unemployment crisis. Personnel Today. Confederation, the Prince’s Trust, the
It says that one in eight young “We know that young people with Institute for Employment Studies and
people are not in full-time work, multiple disadvantages and lower universities and local councils.
education or training, and claims qualifications are much more likely Meanwhile, the CIPD has launched a
most of these are not looking for work to become long-term unemployed, campaign that encouraged employers
due to health challenges, disability or threatening the government’s to create one million job, internship,
caring responsibilities. ‘levelling up’ agenda,” the letter says. work experience or apprenticeship
However, official figures from the “In the coming months, we need opportunities for young people, after
Office for National Statistics show to maintain momentum on helping finding 43 per cent of 18- to 30-year-
that the percentage of all young jobseekers and education leavers and olds felt their job prospects had been
people who were not in employment, do far more for young people from harmed by the pandemic.
15/09/2021 12:19
News.indd 5
News.indd 5 15/09/2021 12:19