Page 14 - Gi_October2021
P. 14

the uk’s hydrogen revolution

                 and provides the certainty needed   in south-west England we’ll soon start   IGEM warmly welcomes the publication
                 to boost consumer and investor   safely blending hydrogen into the gas   of this much-anticipated strategy. It has
                 confidence and support commercial   network, reducing carbon emissions   become clear that a national hydrogen
                 solutions. Importantly, unlocking the   from hundreds of homes immediately.   network will be required to provide
                 potential of hydrogen as a clean energy   “We look forward to working with the   the storage and flexibility we need
                 solution requires significant pace and   UK and Welsh governments to deliver   to safely and securely meet demand
                 innovation to scale up production, and   on this ambitious strategy.”  across industry, home heating, power
                 the guidance from the government will   Cadent Chief Strategy and Regulation   generation and transport. We look
                 be key to triggering the investment and   Officer Dr Tony Ballance said he   forward to continuing our engagement
                 buy-in needed to achieve this.”  welcomed the release of the government’s   on the frontline for hydrogen to deliver
                   Angus McIntosh, Director of Energy   Hydrogen Strategy as a great first step in   a least-cost, least-disruption outcome
                 Futures at SGN, said: “The Hydrogen   promoting the use of this green gas, but   for consumers.”
                 Strategy is a welcome first step towards   added that there are opportunities for the
                 delivering a world-leading hydrogen   UK to go further and faster.
                 economy in the UK. While we await   He said: “It’s great to finally see the   “While this Hydrogen Strategy
                 further details of how ministers intend   government’s long-awaited Hydrogen   is an excellent start, we believe
                 to decarbonise heat in the forthcoming   Strategy being published. It will help to   there are opportunities for
                 Heat and Buildings Strategy, this   accelerate progress towards net zero,   the UK to go further and at a
                 announcement clearly sets out a   create new, green jobs across the UK
                 role for low carbon hydrogen. We   and strengthen our energy security.  faster pace to ensure we’re at
                 look forward to working with the UK   “We’re particularly supportive of   the forefront of the hydrogen
                 government and colleagues across   the plans to introduce the blending of   revolution”
                 the industry to demonstrate the role   hydrogen into the wider gas network.
                 hydrogen can play in heating the   It’s a logical, low-risk key steppingstone
                 homes of our customers and helping   that requires no new technology or   “IGEM is supportive of mandating
                 to transform the energy system to net   behaviour changes from households;   hydrogen-ready appliances as soon as
                 zero as quickly as possible.”    will stimulate millions of pounds of   possible to ensure a smooth transition
                                                  investment into hydrogen production;   to hydrogen. Mandating hydrogen-ready
                 “The Hydrogen Strategy is a      and will save carbon emissions   boilers by 2026 will send a strong
                 welcome first step towards       equivalent to removing 2.5 million cars   signal to the market to accelerate
                                                  from our roads.
                                                                                   production in anticipation of demand,
                 delivering a world-leading         “We believe this should be aligned   with manufacturers already well-
                 hydrogen economy in the          with a mandate to introduce hydrogen-  prepared for this ramp-up. We look
                 UK. While we await further       ready boilers from 2025. This means   forward to collaborating with our
                 details of how ministers         as existing boilers naturally become   members on an IGEM response to this
                                                                                   consultation commitment.
                                                  defunct, households will replace them
                 intend to decarbonise heat       with green boilers, meaning homes   “As the professional engineering
                 in the forthcoming Heat          will be ready to switch to 100 per cent   institution for the gas industry, IGEM
                 and Buildings Strategy, this     hydrogen when it’s introduced into   is passionate about engineering a
                 announcement clearly sets out    the network in the future. As a result,   sustainable gas future. We are working
                                                                                   with the UK gas networks and key
                                                  this will mean no major disruption or
                 a role for low carbon hydrogen”  upfront costs for millions of people   stakeholders, including HSE, to support
                                                  across the UK.                   the safe transition of the network to a low
                   Director of Regulation & Asset   “So, while this Hydrogen Strategy   carbon hydrogen future. Through IGEM’s
                 Strategy at Wales & West Utilities Sarah   is an excellent start, we believe there   Gas Quality Working Group we are
                 Williams said: “It’s great to see the   are opportunities for the UK to go   supporting the evidence base to change
                 UK government’s Hydrogen Strategy.   further and at a faster pace to ensure   gas regulations, allowing for a wider range
                 Converting the existing safe and reliable   we’re at the forefront of the hydrogen   of decarbonised gases into the network.
                 gas network to run on green gas such   revolution. We need hydrogen at scale   Working with key industry stakeholders
                 as hydrogen will help millions of   to enable us to achieve net zero. We   in the IGEM Hydrogen Committee, we will
                 homeowners play their part in getting to   know that in the north-west alone,   continue to provide technical standards
                 net zero. We welcome the government’s   3GW of hydrogen could be produced   to facilitate the safe introduction of
                 consultation on mandating hydrogen-  by the HyNet project Cadent is part   hydrogen into the gas network.
                 ready boilers from 2026, which will help   of, with up to £2 billion of private   “In addition, our HyTechnical project
                 us all go green while avoiding disruption   investment being deployed and   is developing new standards for the
                 to our homes or upfront costs.   creating wider economic growth.  safe transmission and distribution of
                   “At Wales & West Utilities, we’re   “We will continue to work closely   hydrogen.”
                 focused on a range of projects across   with the government to turn hydrogen
                 Wales and south-west England to   targets into carbon reductions and new    IGEM recently released a special
                 demonstrate the role that hydrogen can   jobs and hope to see the minister’s   hydrogen edition of Gi. Download your
                 play, and as part of the Gas Goes Green   hydrogen ambitions continue to grow.”  free copy at or visit our
                 programme, we’re working to create                                Hydrogen Knowledge Centre, the world’s
                 the world’s first zero-carbon gas grid.   IGEM’S RESPONSE         only digital repository bringing together
                 Hydrogen can help industry in south   Oliver Lancaster, CEO of IGEM, said:   hydrogen information from research
                 Wales preserve existing jobs and create   “With hydrogen required at the core of   bodies around the globe at
                 thousands of new ones by 2050, while   an affordable net zero energy system,


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