Page 17 - Gi_October2021
P. 17

To identify and quantify safety
                 related issues which may need to be
                 resolved, DNV, the independent energy
                 expert and assurance provider, was
                 commissioned by Norway’s Defence
                 Research Establishment and the Public
                 Roads Administration to conduct a
                 series of experiments investigating the
                 behaviour of large releases of LH₂ into
                 the atmosphere and in a closed but
                 ventilated area.
                   The build and operation of
                 the experimental facilities at
                 DNV’s Spadeadam Research and
                 Development Centre in Cumbria, UK,
                 delivered a programme of research
                 pertaining to the outdoor and confined
                 leakage phenomena.

                 EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT                                                            A HYDROGEN ELECTRIC FERRY
                 A total of 15 large releases (up to
                 50 kg/min ) from a liquid hydrogen                  ELEVATED CAMERA
                 storage tanker were performed with                     POSITION
                 variations in source tanker pressure,
                                                                                                       30m X 30m
                 flow rate, orientation, ignition, and                                                CONCRETE PAD
                 atmospheric conditions.
                   The outdoor releases were initially
                 illustrated using predictions from       PIPEWORK
                 DNV’s GasVLE, FROST and Phast           ARRANGEMENT
                 software packages to analyse the
                 expected behaviour for:                                          RELEASE   OBSTACLES
                     Outflow - assessments of the mass                             POINT
                  flow versus pipeline and outlet
                  conditions are made including
                  assessments of the level of flashing
                  (liquid mass fraction) within the pipe
                     Pooling - measurements of ground
                  surface and subsurface temperature
                  around the releases were made and
                  interpreted for the presence of liquid
                  hydrogen or condensed products of air
                     Dispersion - determination of the
                  extents of the flammable limits near   EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT FOR OUTDOOR RELEASES
                  to ground level from each release
                     Thermal properties - thermal
                  radiation measurements recorded
                  around each ignited release are                                           VENT STACK
                  interpreted against simple models
                  and existing correlations and
                  guidance for hydrocarbons.

                   Bulk LH₂ delivery was from a bulk            ADDITIONAL TANKER           VENT STACK
                 tanker located in a protective mound              SHELTER                   SUPPORT
                 at the test site, which included a tall
                 camera tower equipped with wind
                 instrumentation. A 30x30m concrete                                   3
                 pad was constructed to contain the                                 30m  TEST
                 release arrangement. This incorporated                             ENCLOSURE
                 a 40m vacuum insulated pipe with
                 instruments to analyse temperature
                 and pressure conditions, the release
                 point was located in the centre of the
                 900m2 concrete pad. Some obstacles in                     PIPEWORK
                 the form of ISO containers and smaller                   ARRANGEMENT
                 infrastructure were located on the test                                 ENCLOSURE
                 pad. The release of LH2 was directed                                     SIDE VENT


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