Page 22 - Gi_October2021
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taking the lid off digital transformation
data with current economic conditions,
giving operators the ability to make
informed decisions at an expedited rate.
Information sharing increases while
stakeholders also improve their ability
to visualise results and key performance
indicator data across processes and
overall plant production.
Technology offers the potential to
impact process yield, energy use and
throughput optimisation.
Efficiency is significantly
increased using cloud-based
architecture as businesses can
adapt to changing needs
1.Own and maintain your own
engineering data based architecture as businesses can the enterprise are visualised, analysed
Engineering data tells you what adapt to changing needs. and optimised. Inputs to the enterprise,
equipment is installed on each plant, Computing power can also be scaled such as feedstock and raw materials,
what size it is, how it is connected up or down with varying numbers of are analysed in real-time against
and where it is located through 3D virtual machines to facilitate simulation planning, operations, scheduling and
visualisation. It is generated in capital templates for engineering test or distribution. Full plant models are
projects, from newbuild plants to training scenarios. Secure user access managed simultaneously within a
brownfield revamps, and forms the control allows administrators to add, supply and distribution network.
backbone of the digital twin. delete or edit users and privileges as
Accurate data, kept in one place, needed. IT overheads are simplified COMBINING DATA AND ANALYSIS
ensures the reliability of a digital twin’s to a pure on-demand cloud-based There are three key technological trends
output and the efficiency of operations architecture where machines are that will continue to accelerate adoption
throughout the asset’s lifecycle. Global oil accessed via a secure URL, and new and help businesses reinvent themselves.
and gas firms are moving fast to invest versions of process designs are First, cloud computing allows
in their own cloud-based data platforms available as soon as they are released. companies to manage large volumes
for current and future capital projects, of data generated in operations and
operations and maintenance as part of Digital transformation offers a improves data quality, data availability
their digital transformation projects. fresh lens to improve workforce and single-source transparency across
2. Evaluate process design in the cloud training, sustainability, complex value chains.
Second, connectivity and the
to reduce costs productivity, safety and Internet of Things, in which machines
By leveraging the almost infinite regulatory compliance while carry sensors that support remote
processing power and storage available adapting to unforeseen events. performance monitoring and efficient
through cloud-based architecture, equipment integration, will support
companies can accelerate process design energy use optimisation and costs
while reducing capital investment costs 4. Accelerate operational excellence across company operations. Third,
for process modelling and training. through a digital engineering platform AI and machine learning tools help
Oil and gas players can spin up cloud- Consider supporting the entire analyse data and identify operational
based servers and computing resources engineering lifecycle from patterns and shortcomings that can be
as needed. This also accelerates the representation of the actual piping and used to improve efficiency, for example,
flow of information throughout process instrumentation diagram, mapping in predictive maintenance.
design. A cloud-based architecture for each equipment object to a detailed Digital transformation offers a fresh
process design increases information engineering database and 3D model; to lens to improve workforce training,
accessibility, enhances availability building/testing the dynamic stimulation sustainability, productivity, safety and
and significantly reduces total cost early in the process design; optimising regulatory compliance while adapting
of ownership. the process and control design, to unforeseen events. Through digital
comparing capital versus operating transformation, oil and gas firms can
3. Encourage online collaboration costs; and the continuous improvement more confidently explore opportunities,
Process innovation becomes seamless of operations as the engineering model reduce operational risk and shrink the
through collaboration. Separating the becomes a plant’s digital twin. gap between plans and results.
content from the product allows the
content, such as simulation models, 5. Unify your supply chain model AVEVA pioneers innovations that
to be managed easily with file history planning and operations empower industry leaders to optimise
logs in a central repository. Efficiency A complete 360-degree view of the value, efficiency and sustainability. For
is significantly increased using cloud- digital value chain means all aspects of more information visit
15/09/2021 11:51
DigitalTransformation.indd 3
DigitalTransformation.indd 3 15/09/2021 11:51