Page 21 - Gi_October2021
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to ensure safe, reliable and compliant
                                                                                   operations — all while managing energy
                                                                                   costs and minimising time and installed
                                                                                   costs. Across the downstream, refining
                                                                                   and petrochemical producers strive to
                                                                                   achieve superior performance through
                                                                                   better management of their energy
                                                                                   usage and costs.
                                                                                     Considering these priorities, the
                                                                                   lack of digital maturity across oil and
                                                                                   gas is perhaps surprising. According
                                                                                   to multinational professional services
                                                                                   firm PwC: “One of the clearest and
                                                                                   most viable responses to these
                                                                                   systemic challenges is to accelerate
                                                                                   digitisation strategies to help improve
                                                                                   resilience and remain attractive to
                                                                                   investors.” But, “of more than 200 oil
                                                                                   and gas companies surveyed, only
                                                                                   seven per cent identified themselves
                                                                                   as digital champions while more than
                                                                                   70 per cent of respondents considered
                                                                                   themselves to be in the early stages of
                                                                                   digital maturity”.

                                                                                   OPTIMISATION AND INNOVATION
                                                                                   In today’s economic environment,
                                                                                   capital budgets and overheads are
                                                                                   constantly being cut. Oil and gas
                                                                                   producers are faced with rising
                                                                                   manufacturing costs, global competition
                                                                                   and soaring energy costs. To meet
                                                                                   these challenges, companies must
                                                                                   optimise manufacturing operations and
                                                                                   make performance improvements to
                                                                                   positively impact their bottom lines.

                                                                                   “Of more than 200 oil and gas
                                                                                   companies surveyed, only seven
                                                                                   per cent identified themselves
                                                                                   as digital champions while
                                                                                   more than 70 per cent of
                                                                                   respondents considered
                                                                                   themselves to be in the early
                 Few industries have been more adversely affected by the           stages of digital maturity”
                 pandemic than oil and gas. The economic distortion and price
                 instability arising from the crisis only exacerbated existing       Digital transformation offers
                 challenges from stiff competition and tightening capital          new toolsets that enable oil and
                                                                                   gas companies to increase their
                 budgets. In this environment, the energy sector can’t afford      competitiveness. These digital toolsets
                 not to be at the cutting edge of digital transformation. Amish    help improve yields of valuable products
                 Sabharwal, Executive Vice President of Engineering Business       while reducing energy consumption and
                 at information technology consulting company AVEVA                increasing throughput.
                                                                                     Using digital technology,
                 explores the top five priorities for digital transformation       manufacturers can create a complete
                                                                                   digital twin of their processes and
                       il and gas companies faced   The economic discomfort is being   assets to respond quickly and easily to
                       formidable challenges to their   felt throughout the oil and gas value   unexpected events, reduce shutdown
                       efficiency, sustainability and   chain. Upstream companies seek to   time, work and train operators remotely
                       profitability in 2020. As a   maximise production from onshore and   and evaluate ‘what if’ scenarios in batch
                 O result of the pandemic, prices   offshore wells safely and economically.   processing and manufacturing.
                 collapsed severely and the urgency to   In the midstream, the primary concern   Through digital transformation,
                 tackle these issues intensified.  of hydrocarbon pipeline operators is   operators can combine real-time process


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