Page 6 - Gi_October2021
P. 6

industry & Government news


                                                                                                 THE GOVERNMENT HOPES TO ATTRACT
                                                                                             INVESTMENT IN 5GW OF H2 PRODUCTION BY 2030


                 REVEALS PLANS FOR £4BN INVESTMENT BY 2030

                 THE GOVERNMENT HOPES to attract   hydrogen could cover 20-35 per cent   Matthew Fell, the Chief UK Policy
                 at least £4 billion of investment to the   of the UK’s energy consumption by   Director at the CBI, said the strategy
                 hydrogen economy by 2030 under plans   2050, providing a clean alternative   included important steps for the
                 to produce the equivalent of enough   to oil and gas in energy-intensive   economy-wide hydrogen sector.
                 hydrogen to replace fossil fuel gas for   industries, power and transport.  “However, to truly capitalise
                 heating and cooking in about three   It proposes a series of industry   on those large-scale economic
                 million households in the UK.    consultations to help establish a   opportunities, and unlock the private
                   The government has published   subsidy system to support large   sector finance needed, firms will
                 its long-awaited plans for a UK-wide   hydrogen projects to decarbonise areas   now be looking for the government
                 hydrogen economy, which it says could   that cannot run on electricity.  to provide detailed policies and
                 be worth £900 million and create more   However, The Guardian reports that   standards for hydrogen production
                 than 9,000 high-quality jobs by the end   plans remain dogged by uncertainty   and application,” he said.
                 of the decade, rising to £13 billion and   over how the government will   The hydrogen projects under
                 100,000 new jobs by 2050.        determine a fair subsidy for the   development include green hydrogen
                   The strategy document lays out its   multibillion-pound projects and   schemes, which extract hydrogen
                 efforts to attract investment in five   whether the cost will be shouldered   from water, leaving only oxygen as a
                 gigawatts of hydrogen production   through household bills or by the   byproduct, and blue hydrogen, which
                 by 2030, which would mostly power   Treasury. The government has   extracts hydrogen from fossil fuel gas
                 heavy industry, as well as transport   promised more clarity after an industry   before trapping the greenhouse gas
                 and up to 70,000 homes. It suggests   consultation later this year.  emissions that are left behind.


                                                                                                                  16/09/2021   11:05
        News.indd   1                                                                                             16/09/2021   11:05
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