Page 26 - Gi February 2022
P. 26
partnering up
Since the publication of the
clear that change is on the horizon and, What are IGEM Housing Partners?
documents, it has become increasingly
understandably, housing associations
and councils have been seeking WE’VE DESIGNED A unique The benefits
information as they didn’t understand membership package tailored especially Individual membership with
what they didn’t know. for UK social housing providers. a route to Engineering Council
In late 2019, as a recipient of many These days, it’s more important than professional registration for your
questions relating to the topic, IGEM ever that housing providers are able responsible person
ran a workshop to find out how the to demonstrate their commitment to E-learning courses covering gas
institution could support the social health and safety, gas compliance and compliance, assurance, auditing
housing sector. Conversations with the goals of the net zero agenda. It’s and office-based skills
key stakeholders, service providers also crucial to stay on top of the latest Comprehensive training based on
and standards professionals took sector initiatives, including changes IGEM technical standards
place and key questions were asked. to legislation. You can do this by Full access to sector relevant IGEM
The result was the creation of IGEM’s becoming an IGEM Housing Partner. technical standards
Social Housing Working Group, Sector-specific programme of
which was involved with the earlier Who can join? technical webinars
mentioned Setting the Bar report, and To be eligible for IGEM Housing Partner Technical webinars exploring
the development of a new kind of IGEM status, your organisation must be be on hot topics, supported by industry
membership: Housing Partners. the UK government’s list of Registered and regulators
The Housing Partner membership Social Housing Providers. For other First class speaker event
package is tailored especially for organisations and individuals, we have programme, from areas of gas
UK social housing providers. The a number of membership options we’d research, development and
membership package ticks the key be happy to discuss with you. regulation
boxes (including proving competencies) Up-to-date insight and news with
for bodies in the social housing sector, Why choose IGEM? IGEM journal Gi and e-bulletins
and features a range of benefits, IGEM is developing the standards Access to IGEMtv
including individual membership driving health and safety within the IGEM Policy and Research Hub
for your key gas responsible person gas industry and we’re playing an access
within your organisation and a route integral part in helping the UK energy IGEM Hydrogen Knowledge Centre
to professional registration with the sector achieve its net zero goal by access
Engineering Council, industry-leading 2050. By joining us, you’re ensuring All of this is underpinned by the
e-learning courses to build on the key that your key personnel have access support of our Social Housing
areas of gas compliance, assurance and to the knowledge they need to make Working Group (SHWG), consisting
auditing, plus courses to help new team important operational decisions, of stakeholders drawn from IGEM
managers develop their office-based safely deliver your installation, panels, HSE, service providers
skills, access to 34 relevant standards maintenance and repair services and and social housing providers
for the key person, access to IGEM comply with the latest requirements themselves.
events and much more. to keep your tenants safe.
There are a number of future
developments in the works for Housing
Partners. Online training courses are homes. As safety within high-rise also benefitted from Housing Partner
in development and there is a large buildings is starting to be given the membership.
interest in future gas and heat for priority it deserves, one resultant effect Brian Fairie, Team Manager at
homes from members, so more content is that the team is being requested as Fife Council, said: “IGEM’s Housing
for these areas is coming soon. subject matter experts on a multitude of Partner membership provides our
This is all underpinned by the projects outside their normal duties. organisation with in-depth industry
support of our Social Housing Working “We believe a strength we possess is specific knowledge through several
Group (SHWG), which remains in place being aware of our gaps in knowledge and publications and access to 34 IGEM
and acts as a body for guidance and that we can always strive to do better. standards relevant to the domestic and
interpretation. “BCC chose to become an IGEM commercial practices for the housing
One of our newest Housing Partners Housing Partner to help us keep sector, as well as access to IGEM
is the Bristol City Council Housing and improving our knowledge and technical services. In addition, we’ve
Landlord Services team, responsible practices. Since becoming a member, enjoyed exceptional staff development
for gas installation, repairs, serving the team has accessed and utilised opportunities through online learning,
and maintenance of 21,000 domestic IGEM technical standards on a number networking, and attending events.
properties and approximately 55 of projects and completed free CPD “Although we are new to IGEM
commercial gas-powered communal webinars, one of which was focused on Housing Partner membership, we have
heating systems feeding another 3,000 gas in multi-occupancy buildings. benefitted greatly in such a short period
homes within the council’s social “As the membership grows we look and look forward to playing an active
housing stock. forward to making more use of the role moving forward.”
Craig Cook, Mechanical, Electrical Social Housing Working Group and we
and Heating Manager, said: “We have have just renewed our membership for For more information about becoming
a team of qualified and competent a second year.” an IGEM Housing Partner visit
staff keeping people safe within their Fife Council Building Services has
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