Page 30 - Gi February 2022
P. 30

igem news

                   INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATES                                           aspiration of a net zero tomorrow
                                                                                   into reality.
                                                                                     “I must also mention IGEM, which
                                                                                   has supported industry through vital
                                                                                   work on the Hydrogen Committee,
                                                                                   its key stakeholder activities with
                 HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM  BEIS and the Royal Academy of
                 YOUR SECTION CHAIR                                                (HyTechnical standards for upstream,
                                                                                   Engineering, its standards activities
                                                                                   hydrogen standards for downstream),
                                                                                   its work with the Hydrogen Quality
                                                                                   Working Group and its policy and
                 A message from Industrial Affiliate Section Chair Gary Hesketh    research hub, while finding time
                                                                                   to launch a first rate Hydrogen
                                “I WANTED TO take   of government policy papers: a Net   Knowledge Centre. I’ve learnt this
                                a brief moment to   Zero Strategy, a UK Hydrogen Strategy   year how vital the institution is to our
                                offer a few humble   and a Heat and Buildings Strategy, to   industry and I know they do so much
                                thoughts on my year   name just a few.             more than many realise.
                                as IGEM’s Industrial   “We saw the gas industry respond   “None of this stops here – the
                                Affiliate Chair.  by progressing the Gas Goes Green   years ahead will be just as hectic
                                 “2021 started    programme, with numerous trials.   but, in truth, there is nowhere as
                                with the challenge   HyDeploy, Hydrogen Homes and   exciting to be as at the cutting edge
                 of decarbonising the energy network   FutureGrid, infrastructure projects   of the challenge. I have enjoyed the
                 at the forefront plus the impending   like HyNet and East Coast Hydrogen   opportunity to get involved with IGEM
                 COP26 summit, which would highlight   pressed on as we aim to decarbonise   so closely and would say that, if you get
                 both the opportunities for change and   industrial processes, not to mention   a chance, seize it.
                 the difficulties ahead.          transport, manufacturing and       “On a personal front, I’d also like to
                   “Collectively, we in the gas industry   biomethane. All of this is the tip of a   take this opportunity to wish you and
                 knew the race was on. There was a raft   big iceberg that grows as we turn our   your family a very Happy New Year.”

                   MP VISITS STEVE VICK INTERNATIONAL                             SMARTester and two of the company’s
                                                                                  latest innovations, the Pipe Coil
                   IN SUPPORT OF FAMILY BUSINESS WEEK                             Feeder for district heating pipe and
                                                                                  the PE Pipe Cutter.
                                                                                    Michelle Donelan MP said: “I was
                                                                                  very happy to accept an invitation to
                                                                                  visit Steve Vick to celebrate Family
                                                                                  Business Week. Small businesses are
                                                                                  the backbone of our economy and
                                                                                  many are actually family businesses.
                                                                                  Steve Vick International has developed
                                                                                  a successful, thriving and innovative
                                                                                  business in Bradford on Avon. We also
                                                                                  spoke of the skills shortages they have
                                                                                  faced and my work as a minister is to
                                                                                  help plug these skills gaps and forge
                                                                                  a strong relationship with business
                                                                                  and our education system so that
                                                               CASPAR VICK, STEVE VICK (CHAIRMAN),   individuals leave it work-ready and
                                                                 MICHELLE DONELAN MP, TOM VICK
                                                                                  skilled in the right areas.”
                   MICHELLE DONELAN MP paid a      celebrated its 40th anniversary and   SVI Chairman Steve Vick added: “We
                   visit to Steve Vick International (SVI)   Family Business Week therefore   were delighted that Michelle accepted
                   in November as part of the very first   provided the ideal opportunity to   our invitation, and it was a great
                   Family Business Week run by the   invite Michelle to its offices and   pleasure to show her what we do. We
                   Institute for Family Business (IFB).  demonstrate how involved the   hope she enjoyed her time with us and
                    Steve Vick International, a    company is in the local community,   could see the level of our involvement
                   leading manufacturer of innovative   plus show the growth and continuing   in the local community. Being a
                   technologies for use in the utilities   expansion of SVI since it moved to the   family business is hugely important
                   industry, was keen to support this new   premises in Bradford on Avon in 2015.  to myself, my wife Angela and the rest
                   initiative from the IFB as family-run   Michelle was taken on a tour of the   of the team at SVI, which is why we
                   organisations are crucial to both local   building and given demonstrations   wanted to show our support for Family
                   and national economies.         on some of the key SVI products,   Business Week. By all accounts, it has
                    This year, Steve Vick International   including Live Mains Insertion,   been a huge success.”


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