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igem news – yppc


                  type of sensor        sensitivity  accuracy (non-  power        size         cost       total
                                                     interrupted)  consumption

                  reed flow switch         1            3             2            1            3          10
                  hall flow sensor         1            3             1            1            3          9
                  different pressure sensor  2          2             3            2            1          10
                  mems pressure sensor     3            1             3            3            2          12
                  mems flow sensor         3            3             3            3            1          13

                 sensor selection. This is to ensure   TABLE 2 EFFECT ON APPLIANCE RATING AFTER INSTALLATION OF SMART CONTROL DEVICE
                 the stove ON/OFF status can be
                 correctly distinguished and avoids any   type of gas used  Hong Kong town gas     Natural gas
                 interference from other gas appliances.
                                                   type of appliance  Hotplate      Built-in hob   Built-in hob

                 Three per cent of fire            pressure supply  1.5 kPa         1 kPa          2 kPa
                 accidents are related to
                 cooking appliances, many          actual rating   13.89 kW         13.02          9.7 kW
                 caused by users leaving their     actual rating w/  13.1 kW        12.18          9.42 kW
                 appliances unattended             smart control device

                                                   Appliance rating
                 Drawback of typical sensors       within ± 10 per cent   Satisfactory             –
                 The stove ON/OFF signal is normally   of rated value
                 monitored by a pressure sensor, in
                 which the static pressure drops when   Appliance Rating ≥85
                 the stove turns on. However, the static   per cent of sum of   –                  Satisfactory
                 pressure is interrupted if another gas   individual burners
                 appliance such as the water heater
                 is turned on, which produces a false
                 signal for the stove status. A flow switch   between two points.   different sensors based on multiple
                 was therefore chosen to eliminate this   Thanks to this feature, the sensor   factors. Score 1 to 3 represents
                 problem, however the gas flow at low   can detect the stove’s ON/OFF status   the worst and best performance
                 flame is not sufficient to trigger the   via the temperature difference and   accordingly.
                 switch, meaning sensitivity is limited.   prevent any false signals with the help   Overall, MEMS flow sensor most suits
                                                  of flow directions.              the application regardless of cost, even
                 Features of the MEMS flow sensor    Table 1 scores the performance of   though it is the most expensive.
                 The MEMS flow sensor was therefore
                 adopted, not only because of its compact
                 size but also due to its high sensitivity.   FIGURE 4 GAS VELOCITY IN SMART CONTROL DEVICE WITH FLOW ACCESSORY AT 0.25KW
                   Normally, a MEMS flow sensor
                 consists of two thermopiles and a
                 heater in between. As the gas flows
                 in either direction, it creates uneven
                 heat distribution on the surface, thus
                 the temperature difference is detected



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