Page 34 - Gi February 2022
P. 34

igem news – yppc

                 DEVELOPMENT OF A SMART


                 COOKING APPLIANCES

                 By Dexter Hong, Engineer at the Hong Kong and                     Gas path design and shut-off mechanism
                 China Gas Company Ltd and YPPC 2021 winner                        Inside the smart control device, the
                                                                                   gas first enters the valve and passes
                 HONG KONG’S SMART CITY Blueprint   smart stove including connections to   through the flow accessory where it is
                 2.0 was launched with the aim of   the gateway via Bluetooth, then to the   detected by the sensor. Then, it flows
                 bringing the benefits and convenience   cloud and app by data and WiFi. This   across the open diaphragm and exits
                 of smart city innovation and technology   means the device can utilise these same   at the outlet.
                 to residents’ daily lives.       platforms to shorten development time   When the valve is triggered, the
                   To participate in the smart city   and speed up implementation.   diaphragm is pushed down and blocks
                 development, Towngas has promoted a                               the opening, which results in stoppage
                 smart kitchen concept with the launch   Main components           of the gas supply, thus shutting off
                 of the first smart stove created with   The top of the smart control device    the stove. A manual on/off control is
                 safety in mind.                  is an ABS case which protects the   retained at the top, which serves as an
                   Three per cent of fire accidents    main PCB for control and    alternative control to the gas supply and
                 are related to cooking appliances,   communication. The component   retains manual control of the device
                 many caused by users leaving their   below this is the shut-off valve, which   in case of a system disconnection or
                 appliances unattended.           seals the valve body underneath with   device malfunction.
                   Research has shown that some   a diaphragm, which controls the gas
                 elderly residents forget to turn off their   supply. The sensor and flow accessory   Sensor selection criteria
                 stove at least once a week.      are embedded inside the body and act   Since the stove’s ON/OFF status is
                   In view of this, the smart stove works   as the detection component for the   detected by a sensor, sensitivity and
                 alongside a smart appliance application to   stove status.        accuracy are the critical criteria for
                 introduce security monitoring and alerts
                 for when users leave home. The device   FIGURE 1 SYSTEM INFRASTRUCTURE OF CURRENT SMART STOVE AND ADD-ON DEVICE
                 has been designed with busy urbanites
                 and forgetful elderly customers in mind,
                 aiding the prevention of accidents in the
                 home. An emergency shut-off function
                 has also been included to allow users to
                 turn off the stove remotely, anywhere and
                 at any time, avoiding household accidents
                 caused by absent-mindedness.
                   However, there are over 1.9 million
                 customers in Hong Kong currently
                 using traditional stoves and it takes
                 time to popularise and replace an
                 appliance with a smart version. It will
                 also take time for the new smart stove
                 to be developed and commercialised.   FIGURE 2A DESIGN OF SMART CONTROL DEVICE  FIGURE 2B EXPLODED VIEW OF SMART CONTROL DEVICE

                 Design principle
                 With the aim of promoting smart
                 kitchen solutions and the prevention of
                 home accidents, a cost-effective add-on
                 device was designed to retrofit to the
                 current gas stove. The device complies
                 to the safety standard GB30597 and
                 allows users to experience most of the
                 safety features of a smart stove without
                 having to buy a new appliance.
                   Towngas has already developed
                 the complete infrastructure for the


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