Page 38 - Gi February 2022
P. 38
igem news
NEW INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATE disciplined engineering contractors
providing a range of technical services
to Welsh government, universities and
MEMBERS FOR IGEM social housing bodies throughout the
whole of Wales.
Suffolk New College
IGEM is pleased to introduce its newest Industrial Affiliate members As an FE college, Suffolk New College’s
gas department has around 50
AES Smart Catering Equipment Support Ltd apprentices and runs short commercial
AES was born from a vision to form a Catering Equipment Support Ltd courses in gas-related fields.
meter operator devoted to supporting is specialist catering equipment
the smart metering rollout programme engineering firm providing installation Almanac Energy
by providing a best-in-class service of new commercial kitchens, plus the AImanac Energy is BPEC-approved
for clients and customers. AES has maintenance, servicing and supply of to deliver ACS gas assessment and
established itself as one of the leading all types of commercial appliances. training, energy efficiency and managed
industry providers of full MOP/MAM leaming programmes for new entrants
and smart installation services. Its Bohr Ltd to the gas industry. The training
performance in safety and customer Bohr is a lean, agile and innovative provider will also be delivering heat
service as well as its technologies set company dedicated to net zero. Every pump training and battery storage
the company apart from its competitors. member of the team is an expert in courses in the near future.
their field, with over 100 years of clean
Element Materials Technology Ltd energy, natural gas, hydrogen and British Flue and Chimney
Element is a leading global provider of biomethane experience between them. Manufacturers’ Association (BFCMA)
testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) Having successfully set up companies, The British Flue & Chimney
services on a wide range of products, developed world-leading technology, Manufacturers’ Association is Britain’s
materials, processes and services and created global sales and subsidiaries only trade association for chimney
products for a diverse set of end markets, and orchestrated the funding of products and works closely with
where failure in service is simply not hundreds of millions of pounds to government, public bodies and other
an option. Headquartered in London, support green energy operations, the organisations to further the interest
Element’s scientists, engineers, and team brings unrivalled experience to of the chimney and flue industry. The
technologists, working in a global the industry. BFCMA is a member of the Federation
network of over 200 laboratories, support of Environmental Trade Associations
customers from early R&D, through Gibson Specialist Technical (FETA) which is the UK trade body
complex regulatory approvals and into Services Ltd representing the diverse interests of
production ensuring that their products, Formed in 1962, Gibson Specialist manufacturers, suppliers, installers
materials, processes, and services are Technical Services is a third-generation and contractors within the building
safe, compliant, and fit for purpose. family company which supplies multi- services sector.
Welcome to our new Housing Partners in communities and employs more
than 900 people. Housing Plus Group
is addressing the housing crisis by
IGEM is pleased to welcome its newest Housing Partners starting to build 2,000 new homes for
rent, shared ownership and outright
Fife Council under 13,000 properties that it sale by 2023.
Fife Council is the third largest manages and maintains with 44 Gas
local authority in Scotland. Fife Safe-registered employees across Network Homes Ltd
Council Building Services provide the company. Derby Homes has a gas Network Homes exists to build
new and refurbished buildings, team dedicated to the repairs and and manage homes, providing
facilities management services and maintenance side of the business affordable housing for since 1974. It
maintenance arrangements for the and which carries out annual gas now manages 20,000 homes across
council’s assets. The gas department safety inspections and general London, Hertfordshire and the South
delivers servicing, maintenance repairs. East. The organisation has three
and installations of natural gas, Gas Safe-registered employees who
LPG, and renewable appliances to Housing Plus Group manage the maintenance, repairs,
32,000 domestic and non-domestic Housing Plus Group is a charitable domestic gas installations and
buildings throughout Fife. community benefit society providing commercial boiler upgrades through
18,000 quality, affordable homes three gas contractors.
Derby Homes Ltd and care services that customers
Derby Homes is an arm’s length can trust in Shropshire and
management organisation (ALMO) Staffordshire. As one of the largest
working on behalf of Derby City affordable housing providers in the
Council. The organisation has just area, the group is a major investor
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