Page 43 - Gi February 2022
P. 43
igem news
BERNARD HEYWOOD passed away address was themed, ‘Building on
on 17 August 2021. Bernard was born Success - not in theory, but in practice’
in Stockport, Cheshire, and studied and is a veritable tour de force on
Gas Engineering at the then Royal the development of the gas industry
Technical College, Salford. He joined from the days of Frederick Winsor
the gas industry at the North Western in 1812. Bernard also touched upon
Gas Board in 1951. many contemporary events and
He progressed through engineering the contributions of many historic
posts to become Regional Director of personalities over the decades of gas
Engineering in the Northern and West industry development, including the
Midlands Region. In 1985, he was history of the gas trade unions. In
appointed Regional Deputy Chairman particular, he highlighted a gas industry
for the South Eastern Region and, in campaign in 1889 concerning equal pay
1988, HQ Director (Operations), with for men and women doing equal work.
responsibilities for the performance Bernard’s closing remarks made no
of the national transmission system apology for his pride in his then 42
MICHAEL ‘MIKE’ HILSON was a and for formulating and implementing years of service to the gas industry.
chemist by qualification and took engineering policy throughout He said: “We have all played a small
up a job with Guernsey Gas as joint British Gas, with a particular focus on part in an industry that has done great
MD Designate, which ultimately system safety through mains/service things to improve the lot of mankind,
proved to be a competitive replacement policies. In 1990, Bernard but more importantly, the creators and
situation that he lost, but in which was appointed Regional Chairman great leaders, engineers and innovators
he demonstrated strong leadership for BG Scotland and in 1991, Regional in gas all these years deserve the
qualities and business ethics. He Chairman for BG North Thames. recognition that I have tried to give.’’
was also the President of IGEM for During each appointment, he was a Bernard was a major contributor in his
the year 1998/99. strong supporter of the then Institution own right to the gas industry’s success
Mike’s clear vision and thinking of Gas Engineers and was President and his friends and colleagues thank
were often out of synch with that in 1992/93. Bernard’s presidential him for his unstinting contribution.
of his co-directors, and a lack
of support was felt to hold the
development of the Guernsey-
based group back. However, during
his time with Guernsey Gas the
business successfully took over
Manx Gas and Jersey Gas.
Among his many achievements
is the creation of an LPG supply
business in Portugal, which
became quite a large and
successful operation.
In 1996, Martin Palmer joined
Guernsey Gas (which was soon
to become International Energy
Group) to set up a UK operation
and wanted to apply for a gas
transporters licence under the
newly deregulated environment
– a move most of the Guernsey
directors opposed. Mike, however,
strongly supported the idea and
the duo worked closely to achieve
this, resulting in the first of these
licenses being issued.
Having taken early retirement
from International Energy Group,
Mike left Guernsey to live in Devon.
He lived a busy business life and,
despite constant barriers, made
several significant achievements of
which he was duly proud and for
which he was highly respected.
27/01/2022 16:25
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